002 ▍the old man's treasure

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midnight snack

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ZEFF RAISED a brow at theo's sudden appearance, what's he doing here on east blue? he shook his head, he needed to focue on krieg who wanted the restaurant as his next ship.

theo, on the other hand, was glaring at mihawk's path, hoping for karma to come his way. the blonde haired lad thoughts was then interrupted by luffy's sudden order.

“usopp! go on ahead!” with that his friends started to sail.

“zoro and i'll definitely bring back nami! so you make sure to get us a cook!” theo smirked.

another rookie pirate crew, what will happen if they get to the grand line?

the long nose boy threw luffy's hat back to him, “once we have five people in our crew! lets head to grand line!”

“yeah! let's!”

theo's smirk didn't falter as he walked beside the owner of the restaurant, he wanted to ask for another bottle of rum but knowing zeff he'll only receive a kick on the face, he dismissed the idea.

his green eyes turned to where don krieg and his crew were standing, ready to attack the restaurant.

ruler of east blue, huh? i wasn't informed that east blue has a ruler. not that i care.

his eyes narrowing when don krieg suddenly pointed his gun at one of his crew then pulling the trigger.

“you're still afraid of that bastard!? do you think a normal person can just cut down a gigantic galleon!?”

of course, i know several people.

now don krieg is accusing mihawk that he got some strange power from a devil fruit. theo almost facepalmed but he sighed and composed himself.

why am i even here? just to suffer? what the hell is he talking about?

not wanting to hear any more of krieg's damn speech, he smiled and turned to the straw hat wearing lad who is currently hanging at the side.

“luffy was it?.” the called male turned to him with a questioning look.

“so you're a devil fruit user, huh?” the  young boy grinned and noddee.

“i ate the gomu gomu no mi!”

“i see. hey, luffy , you're heading to grand line after this right?”

“yeah! we just need to take nami back and our cook!” pointing at the blonde beside zeff who have a curly eyebrow.

“im not going to be your cook!” the blonde lad yelled, lighting up his cigarette.

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