019 ▍sabaody archipelago

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— sand's fear of water

— sand's fear of water

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nami laughed as she spoke to nefertari vivi, "yeah, just leave us out of it. i mean, a guy who's planning to take over an entire country must be one incredibly dangerous person."

vivi replied, "yes, exactly. no matter how strong you pirates may be, you'd be no match for crocodile, a member of the ouka shichibukai!"

 no matter how strong you pirates may be, you'd be no match for crocodile, a member of the ouka shichibukai!"

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the sails had been unfurled, ready to sail back to the other half of  grandline, back to the new world. 

standing before the figure head, letting your hair be swayed by the wind. "[name], everything is in place, shall we set sail?" kurose asked carrying a coat on his right hand, "i brought you you're coat it could be very windy and cold as we sail through." draping the coat on your shoulders.

looking at him over your shoulder, you gave him a nod, then looking back at sea. "very much appreciated, kurose. tell everyone we'll set sail on luke's cue. let's hope we can go back home for less than 5 days."


now sitting on a bench below the main mast, an hour or 3 has passed by and you have noticed that the breeze has become colder than usual, kuro-kun thought this through i guess.

wearing your properly, you stood up then walked inside the ship, towards your room—office—captain's quarters? 

sitting down the comfy bed just beside the right window, still having the clear view of the horizon. you turned to your two blades that has been placed in their stand beside the table.

it has been a while since i went to wano, but i can't visit now. it's way to early for the ghosts to appear.

a knock interrupted your thoughts, "dinner is ready." kurose.

ah yes, a few hours. it was already night time, and before you know it it was already time to eat dinner. what did they cooked this time, you hoped- prayed it's not something burnt.

"let me juts change my clothes, i'll be there in a minute or two." you reply to him, standing up, finding something comfortable to wear.

"make haste, the food may turn cold."

"alright alright."


the smell of meat and fish went through your nostrils. you were quite surprised. who in the food devil cooked dinner this time? and why does it smell so good, might have been cursed—

"come on captain, i know your overthinking about the food, but i also know how to cook a decent meal y'know!" lucaria stated with pride, proudly wearing an apron and holding a ladle.

"that's kind of suspicious." shaking your head softly, fingers against your chin.

"now you're offending me! eat before i throw away your dinner." lunnette angrily gritted her teeth making your laugh. "okay okay, i'll stop. . ."

"you're still laughing!"

"don't worry cap! i tried my best to guide her with the cooking!" yelled theo as he washed the pots and glass.

"don't look down on me, wanna eat some thorns!?"

the sun has rise and you could already see the bubbles from sabaody archipelago. you could hear the loud screaming your very energetic musician, azure. "let's go to sabaody park!!!"

you sighed at his behavior, but dismissed it, he's the way he is. his mood lightens up the crew so it's one of the advantages of having him in the crew. "sure then, go ahead?"

azure then turned to looked around, silently asking for someone to accompany him, it's quite boring to go around the park without a friend or two.

"i'll go with him!" ume volunteered, hands all over the air, "we're gonna have so much fun right, azu-kun?" the said boy looked at him surprised but smiled, "of course!"

clapping to get the other's attention, you spoke, "you two can go ahead to the park, the rest of us will head to grove 13."

"say hello to rayleigh-san for me, cap!" ume yelled as she and luke went directly to the park, not even looking back.

"of course."

the infamous bar now in sight, with the large name sign shakky's rip-off bar on top of it. the four of you went to a stop when the door of the bar suddenly got flung open, revealing none other than shakuyaku more commonly known as shakky, carrying to drunk males on both his hands.

"if you ain't gonna pay than stay out, you damned-- oh?" she cut herself off when she saw you four not far from the doorstep. nonchalantly throwing the two drunkards away from her no problema then she patted her hands clean. "oh dear, if it isn't the queen herself."

you chuckled at her words, "i see the teasing never stops, it's also nice to see you again shakky-san. is ray-san there?"

taking a whiff off her cigarette before she replies, "of course, he just went back from gambling, he's probably drinking himself to sleep or whatever. ok now, stop the talking and go inside." as everyone walked inside the bar, the lady didn't miss the opportunity to tease the vice captain of the crew. "kurose, still a fine man, i see that your hair has grew longer?"

"yes it did, miss shakky." this caused a giggle to come off the woman, "i see." finally letting the male go inside her bar.

"ray-saaaaaan!" you practically yelled as you entered the bar.

i did my best D:here's another update!I've used up all my drafts now I'm writing on the spot so there might be mistakes since im using both my laptop and phone to type amd edit :D

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i did my best D:
here's another update!
I've used up all my drafts now I'm writing on the spot so there might be mistakes since im using both my laptop and phone to type amd edit :D

anyway, have a great day/night<3

hello yes it is i, im alive
i give u this boring chapter-

hmm yes

care to suggest some scenerios, since reuniting with the strawhats could be quite far.
go ahead and suggest!!

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