030 ▍where's the logbook?

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- who is theo

- who is theo

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MAVIS WALKED through mocktown, the sun blazing it's heat making her wince. the log book is really important and so she really need to find it. sadly her map of the island was also stolen so she didn't know the exact location of cricket's house. starring through the outlaws of the town, she suddenly stopped.

"teach." she states his name in disgust. the owner of the name smirked at him. "whats a little girl like you doing here, all alone. mavis." he spat back.

mavis narrowed her eyes at him, she glared at him hard. to think her captain thought of him as her brother years ago makes her sick. unfortunatly, her skills cannot go up against him, that devil fruit could cause her death if she's reckless. she clicks her tongue, not wanting any battle that clearly she'll lost. 

before she knew it, darkness was about to surround her, she ran. she ran, trying to escape the darkness that can cause her to be 6ft under the ground. not knowing how many miles she ran for, she arrived at the other side of the island. she sees the fake castle that's hiding the small home that is owned by montblanc cricket.

the strawhats along with cricket, masira, and shoujou were shock as to why in almost 6 in the evening someone comes knocking on cricket's door. though after a few seconds, robin stood up. 

"you?!" she exclaimed making everyone in the room turn to here. the salmon pink haired female only smiled at her as if communicating to her in silence.

"hello! you must be montblanc cricket, right?" she spoke not caring about the others in the room. "and what if i am?" cricket answered to which the new comer beamed at.

"you're the ones who salvage the seas here right? i was curious if you have seen a log book out there?"

cricket knitted his eyebrows and starts to look back to their salvages. "i did see a book just yesterday, though i don't think it's still readable."

"really?? can i see it." cricket signaled masira to find the book and gave it to the salmon pink haired female who is yet to introduce herself.

as masira was giving it to the girl, all the people inside the crew got a glimpse of the cover of the book.

LOGBOOK VER. 3 OF THE MIDNIGHT PIRATES. APHELION MAVIS. along with a signature.robin finally stood up and walked towards the woman. "it is you, i thought my eyes were deceiving me." robin states while the other just smiled at her awkwardly.

"you know her, robin?" nami asked. robin nodded knowing the female won't give any answers. "she's aphelion mavis, theo's crewmate. . . a member of the midnight pirates." robin answered in a airy tone, mavis only chuckled at took the logbook from masira.

"ahh you're the crew that caught theo! i'm quite busy these past few days so i didn't have much information from the blue sea." mavis spoke, looking through the pages of the logbook, fortunately nothing was damage, as the logbook was made from some type of paper that don't get ruined by water, fire on the other hand is another story. "i was at skypiea for a long while, and i dropped my logbook. if this was never found, i can't guarantee i'll be able to travel the seas anymore."

luffy, hearing mavis' explanation, he moved closer to the female and beamed, "you went to the sky?!" he exclaimed.

cricket was quiet, he knew who the female was and who she follows. he knew thay know something about what he's been finding in the island, but they never told him anything, no one from the crew gave him the proof that the island of gold was true, they entered the island quietly and left with no words as well, they greet him but that's all. no words of information was given.

mavis didn't take her eyes from the  logbook and kept scanning the pages but replied to the young male, "yeah, i did!" she stopped skimming through the book and finally looked at luffy, eye to eye. "do you want to go to the sky?" she asked with a wide smile.

luffy nodded his head harshly, imphasizing his want to travel the island on the sky. slamming the book down that startled everyone in the room, "i see! well then, you should already get going!"

holding on the book for dear life, she stood up nd turned to robin, "hehe, nice to see you robin! i'll be taking my leave now. i've been away for days, captain's probably waiting to get me scolded." robin questioned her along with the rest of the people inside the house. "our fleet ship broke at my command so i have no escape from caps' scolding. "


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realized that because i change the faceclaim, mc does not asked for cake anymore TT, because the first faceclaim was ezra from fairy now it's beidou and i don't really wan't mc to asked for alcohol so often sooo, hehe you already know, i'll be bringing back mc's liking to cake.

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