027 ▍900 million beli?!

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- who is theo?

- who is theo?

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SITTING ON the veranda with kurose who is currently polishing his blades along with yours. looking through the charts of the grand line, all maps and log poses was scattered on the table along with the log book. 

it's been so many years, yet i still can't  find where zunesha is walking through. should've took a vivre card before leaving a decade ago. damn it. the twenty years is almost here yet my collection is still now complete, what on earth am i doing?!

talking a book from the stacks that are settled on the ground, another log book written in another language. 

i know there's another one hidden in this island, but where. . . father why do you do this to me, i'm getting to old for this stuff.

nico robin, one of the most wanted by the world government due to her being the sole survivor of the buster call that destroyed her home island, ohara. and mostly due to her ability to read and decipher the poneglyphs. just like her, she tood wanted to know the history of the world. 

she explained herself further to the crew, with a little bit of her history that is her being an archeologist for how many years. "well for your benefit, i will answer your questions regarding this person you called theo."

zoro still suspected her still, "how'd you know theo?"

"i've been in the grad line for so many years of course i know him and of course many others. but there are still thing i do not know, but i will try my best to answer what you want to know." robin replied to the swordsman, knowing that he still does not trust her fully. "how did you met theo anyway?"

the navigator answered her, holding her pouch of jewelry given by the black haired female. "we meet him at east blue, on baratie if i remember correctly." to which sanji agreed with her statement. 

"just who is theo, robin-swaan~?" sanji asked after twirling his way towards robin handing her a plate of food.

robin thanked the male before placing a wanted poster on the table making everyone huddle the table. it was theo's wanted poster.

dead or alive
900,000,000 BELI


"900 million????"

"he was that big??????"

luffy was thhe most surprise, grabbing the poster and starring at it, "uwaaah???? 900 million beli?!!?!"

"if i'd knew he was that big i would've gave him to the marines-" nami says gritting her teeth at her loss. "nami???" "of course i was joking, usopp hehehe. . ."

"he is theo of the midnight pirates, he is known as the crimson curse, though his former poster says crimson blessing, the government change it to the opposite to of course make people come for him. he originated from the west blue and is one of the high ranking officer in the crew and as well as the main cook."

"he's a cook huh?"

"to think you knew information about him, " zoro commented.

"of course, i am what they call a friend." this makes room for more questions from the crew.

"then you know something about the midnight pirates then?" robin nodded. "of course, they are one of the biggest pirate crews invading the grand line, though it has been long since i've seen all i them. some of them did visit crocodile a few days before you arrived at rainbase."

"you said, theo was picked up by a ship when he left? then it might be the flag ship that picked him up because the captain was present when they visited crocodile."

"we didn't saw anyone except the green haired lady."

"i see, though unfortunately that is what i can only tell you for now."

"awwww. . ."

luffy was quiet, still starring at the poster of the blonde haired cook (theo), i wouldn't hurt to say that he is beyond curious.

"what did you say?!"

"i'm sorry, m'lady but the fleet ship cannot go on with a broken bow. . ."you facepalmed and sighed. "how did it even break?" the crew member panicked even more. "it was after we landed from the cloud's end  when returning to the blue sea."

"you had nothing to slow down when descending from skypiea?!??!" the poor crew member shook his head no.

you sighed once more, "did find anything when staying there?"

"yes we did, unfortunately, the god has been changed or so we were told, the bell and everything we find when we landed there few years ago were still intact and on the same place."

"that's good to here then. now regarding the ship, i don't think our own shipwright can handle that. . . i guess he can but we might need more help. can it not really travel anymore even just a few more days just to arrived at water seven?"

"i don't think so, but i guess the shipwrights can try to fix it a little for it to travel to water seven."

"the big problem is that, it will take a more than a few days to travel with a broken ship, will bring the flag ship just in case then."

"what about mavis, where is she? i didn't see her with you this morning." the male panicked even more and started to stutter. "she wanted to stay in jaya for a while. we thought she would call you first, guess she didn't."

"stay in jaya? why would she stay in mocktown?" you asked once again with scrunched brows. "the truth is the logbook she had was stolen so she wanted to teach the one who stole it a lesson."

"the logbook?!??! stolen????"

"y-yes. . ."

facepalming, you dismissed everything. "i'll contact her later then, for now inform the shipwrights regarding the ship's condition, now."

"yes of course."

taking a pen and opening the logbook, you wrote down the report he said. . .meaning nothing has changed except the god being changed. . . a god being changed? gan fall is not dead is he?

maybe no one really tried going up the island for a long while. . . people nowadays has no knowledge for adventure all they have is greed. disgusting.

hello hellooo^^i just notice my writing stylehas change or am i tripping, what do you guys think?

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hello hellooo^^
i just notice my writing style
has change or am i tripping, what do you guys think?

did you all saw the trailers for the live action?! mygod y'all it's a masterpiece, im already crying just watching the trailer.

anyhow stay safeee xoxo<3

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