016 ▍a final gift just for you

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— the king of the desert

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a man clad in a italian mafia boss outfit with a large golden hook in place of his left arm. the president of a criminal organization, baroque works and is one of the seven warlords of the sea. quite the tall man he is, he sat proudly on the very end of the long table, reading the newspaper.

as he flipped through another page his partner entered through the double doors. "president, i heard from the citizens that a pirate crew is currently in alabasta and is travelling towards rainbase."

the said president looked up from the paper and stared at his partner with his half-lidded eyes. "and who are these pirates who dare cross my territory?" he asked, voice as deep and relaxed as calm belt.

his partner, who's clad in a revealing cowgirl outfit that outlined her figure, smirked as she replied, "i heard that they are known as the midnight pirates."

hearing this, crocodile raised a brow in confusion. he rarely recieves any visits from you not like the pink coated flamingo who always rains on his parade everytime he visits the sandy kingdom (in private of course).

"where are they now?"

"they are currently on yuba as we speak."

"i see, miss all sunday give them a warm welcome."

"i'll be readying the drinks."

"ah damn it, hot! give me some water!! i'm dying." complained the dark blue haired musician who keeps fanning himself.

"we are floating in the air, practically flying. how the hell can you still feel the heat?!" luca angrily asked, slapping the heat out of the musician was tempting as the very moment.

"you are technically travelling easily with the use of ume ability! you have no right to scold me! i could tell here to drop right here, right now."

"please don't include me in your argument, thank you." says the said musician who's controling their ride.

"oh, shut up all of you!"

"damn, vice cap's angry—"

kurose only shook his head softly in frustration before looking back at you who is currently staring at alabasta's map. pointing a finger above your current location.

"at this speed, we'll reach rainbase in a few." you mumbled, noticing kurose who waddled his way just to sit next to you.

"is something the matter, cap? you've been mumbling there for a while." turning your head towards your right where he sat, you answered him a nothing much.

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