025 ▍time to say goodbye

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- sand's fear of water

- sand's fear of water

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YOUR FIVE visitors stayed for the night, and even took the liberty to shop for their rations in the market because marco said someone has been raiding their kitchen and eating all their back up, just who the hell.

whitebeard stayed for a while before leaving back to the moby dick, he had to receive a lecture from you. that man needs to stop drinking sake like its water. as if the yonko already know that he will get a lecture, he bought you a gift, another addition to your collection of hairpin. this one has the shades of blue and purple and moon accents on the end with stars attached to the edge with golden strings.

"custom made, only the best for my daughter." is what he said before leaving. he didn't even give you a chance to say your thanks because he already left the room.

you sighed at him, looking back at the hairpin. it was neatly placed in a box, even the box had all the pretty designs on it. closing the box, you opened a door connecting your office to your private room. on the side of the room was a glass cabinet, yes a glass cabinet full of hairpins and hair accessories, all colors, styles, designs just how you liked it. taking the hairpin out of its case, you placed it inside the cabinet, all pretty for display. you could say you have every hairpin for every occasion, even a funeral.

three days has already passed since the strawhats defeated crocodile, luffy has just woke up and is now devoring 3 days worth of food that he missed. the dinner table was in chaos as the strawhats ate with princess vivi and the king.

"ah vivi," the princess turned to her father with a questioning look. "i heard that she came here few days ago before you've arrived." suddenly it was all quiet, minus to luffy's chewing.

"she??? [name]-san came back?" the strawhats stared at the two royal, curious on who they were talking about. spitting a piece of bone, luffy asked, "[name] who?"

a drop of a utensil destroyed the silence of the dining hall, "you don't know who [name]-san is?" luffy shook his head no. 

just as vivi was about to explain, chopper cried out loud. "aaaaahh!" everyone turned to him, he was covered in spaghetti, he explained that when he was about to grab more food he tipped the plate resulting to the situation at hand. "well, hurry up and eat every one! so we all can take a refreshing bath."

the talk about [name] was forgotten while the they all took a bath. after all the perverted comomotion, the two females; nami and vivi took the time to talk about what vivi plans to do when the crew leaves the kingdom. 

"we're thinking of leaving today," nami says making vivi shocked, "huh? really!!?" the princess exclaimed.

"we don't have any reason to stay here anymore because luffy has recovered, the marine are gurading the coast, out ship is in danger." nami explained further.

this chapter is what i think the shortest i've made becausethis is an ending of an arc

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this chapter is what i think the shortest i've made because
this is an ending of an arc.
the end of alabasta arc.

don't really know what to put regarding the sky island saga,
so there might be little
to none when it comes to that arc.

robin will finally be present
in the next chap wiee.

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