029 ▍what grudge?

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- who is theo?

- who is theo?

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"DOFFY. . . DON'T you have a meeting with the warlords today?"

"i do?"

"yes, idiot."

"damn it."

the top of the red line at the very opposite of the world from the reverse mountain located the capital of the world government, where currently the five elders are situated.

"what red hair he. . !?"

red hair's plan to whitebeard has been made known to the five star elders of the government. few days after whitebeard left your island.

"yes. . . thing doesn't seem stable. . ."

"did he initiated it!?"

"he did. . . he sent a messenger to make contact. . . but. . . ! whitebeard and red hair meeting each other, it's too dangerous."

"hm. . . that is correct. . . ! not to mention-" whitebeard real reason not to contact you when he visits beforehand is that the government may hear through the conversation. but we guess some things does not go pass the world's highest political power. "not to forget that whitebeard's little visit to the lady of the night, no detail were known only whitebeard's visit to the country."

"this is quite a dangerous situation to be known."

". . . however, if something were to happen to red hair, things will be tough. however, he is not someone who would want to change the world under his own will, same with lady veritas."

". . .more importantly we need to decide the successor to crocodile's position. even though it's only a small hole we still need to be careful."

"if the three figures of power were to crumble, the world will plunge into chaos. we must not let that happen."

a marine entered the room and informed the five that they hace informed the rest of the warlords to attend, but of course not all of them will want to waste their own time to attend a meeting arrangedby the government.

"damn crocodile, causing this kind of trouble. . . the one who beat you can't be forgiven neither. . . monkey d. luffy. . ."

"what about lady veritas?" one of the elders asked the marine. "did she replied to our letters?" the marine shook his head, "not even once, she's still ignoring our letters."

"you know her grudge, she will never make contact with us even the slightest, she'll probably burn us to the ground if she can."

"she's a perfect candidate for the position in the warlords, but she is in no need for protection from the government was her first reply when we contacted her and all our contact with her was cut off."

"she was seen in alabasta, before crocodile was caught, wasn't she?"

"she knows everything."

"warlords, donquixote doflamingo and bartholomew kuma, has arrived."

of course no meeting will start without doflamingo messing with some of the high rank marines. two out of six of the warlords were present, to which was much better that what they expected, they're pirates what can you expect. doflamingo came because you basically forced him to go, that why he was all scowls when arriving at the port.

just as the meeting was about to start, one unexpeected pirate arrived at the scene. "i heard some boring arguments. did i come to the wrong place?"


"i see that your letter has not been acknowledged by oyaji," you spoke through the den den mushi, laughing as you heard shanks and his new crewmates exchange of words.

"well, we didn't expect him to be more accepting except when it comes to you, [name]," he replies chuckling as well. he called you earlier just before his crew member called him to inform him about the embarrassing situation he was put into.

"well you have no choice but to go to him, sending a newbie as a messenger though are you crazy?"

"thought he might consider, guess not."

"what do we do now, boss?" lucky roux asked biting through his meat in a bone.

"let's go. . . prepare the ship!" shanks answered.

"to whitebeard?" another crew member asked. to which their captain confirmed.

benn spoke after taking a puff from his cigarette, "if you do that do you think the world government will continue its silence? heard whitebeard visited you a few days go, [name]?"

"yeah, i already know the government took a hold of that information not that it matter, they can suffer overthinking what happened," you replied, laughing to yourself to which shanks and benn smirked at.

"the government won't keep its silence but, if they want to stop me, i won't keep my silence neither!" shanks stated before taking hold of the den den mushi you were talking into, "it was nice talking to you, [name], sorry to here about the death star, hope you can get one as good as her."

"i hope so to aswell, i know iceburg can do it i trust him. goodluck on visiting oyaji shanks, don't cause much trouble, say hi to him for me. bye." gacha.

luffy and his crew had some trouble when arriving at jaya, mocktown. they met montblanc cricket who was rhe descendant of montblanc the liar who has discovered the city of gold in jaya. before tha discussion about catching the south bird that will guide them to the knock up stream. a knock was heard from cricket's house. masira and shoujou were the ones who opened the door. it revealed a salmon pink haired female who has a book strapped on her hip. 

"hello!" she greeted.

"hello!" she greeted

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i totally have no idea what to write but it is what it is.

the problem is thay you know the plot but don't know how to put it in words.
the suffering everyday.

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