017 ▍impel down you go

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the king of the desert

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MISS ALL SUNDAY came back inside the room with a tray of five glasses and a full bottle of wine.

as she opened the double doors with her free hand, she was greeted by the thick tension in the air. ume was walking towards the desk before crocodile, setting down the nicely wrapped wine bottle.

the black haired woman kept her poker face, swallowing the lump in her throat. the tension was so thick, she felt small but kept her stance. robin can tell from their eyes that they could kill without moving a finger, and it is very overwhelming. it's like being in a cave of wolves who're eyeing their prey.

after what felt like hours standing before the door, robin snapped out of her thoughts when crocodile called her by her codename, gesturing for her to bring the tray to you, his guests.

she complied, walking down the stairs and towards the coffee table infront of the couch you are all sitting on.

kurose thanked her, as he poured a drink for all five you while robin poured a drink for crocodile.

"a final gift, you say." holding the wrapped wine bottle with his right hand, eyeing the details of the cloth along with the jewels on the rings.

he won't admit it but he did like the jewels you brought to him, looking back at the current rings he wore, he wanted to change it right then and there but stopped himself from doing such embarassment to his character.

seeing how he held the gift, you knew he appreciated it, he just wont admit it out loud, you secretly smiled.

"a kiss would've been fine as a 'final' gift you know." this caused an irk mark to form on the vice captain and the cook's forehead while azure kept on sipping his wine, his smile long gone instead he was lowkey glaring at the warlord.

"kiss my ass!"

"what did you say, you damned reptile!"

"sorry do disappoint you, fixer but i don't swing that way. and i said what i said."

wearing your cloak once again, you all left the grand basement with robin escorting you outside.

you stopped walking after arriving at the edge of the bridge making your escort also stopping on her tracks same with your crew members. "robin, do you really want yo stay with crocodile?" you asked.

the said woman only had her lips in a thin line, "yes. that is what i can do for the time being. i give up-"

you cut her off with a glare, "just like me, you also wanted to know what happened in that entury right?" he responded with a reluctant nod.

sighing you walked ahead of her, tapping her shoulder in comfort. "i'm sure someone will be there when you alone, even having trusted friends take time. you can always come with us. that's it for now, take care robin."

with that said you all left her sight. she took a deep inhale, your words processing in her mind.

"i don't think, i'll have anymore 'friends' with this background of mine. i'm sorry [name]-san."

after at least an hour of talking, varying from nonsense to important topics, your crew finally left the casino. leaving crocodile to ponder about what you have said.

"just wanted to see you
before you end up in a cell
in impel down."

he clicker his tongue, lighting up another stick of tobacco, placing it in between his lips, inhaling the toxins.

smoke filled the air, not that he minded. he kept glancing at the still wrapped bottle of wine that served as a ‘final’ gift, that was what you said. it's not like he's dying anyway.

'me, in a cell? tsk as if i'll believe that. this kingdoms already in shambles. few more days and this will be my own. but first i need to dispatch those infiltrators.'

the scarred man signaled his partner, who just came back inside from escorting your crew..

"what is it, mr. 0?" she asked.

"call mr. 5 and miss valentine. i have a mission for them."

"as you wish."

after his partner left to call the said agents, he grabbed the gift and carely removed the rings that sealed the cloth from the neck of the bottle then unwrapped the cloth from the bottle, being careful not to ruffle the cloth.

it was a expensive kind of wine that is only available in your island, the wine that was made by the residents who is best at their job as wine manufacturers.

looking back at the rings he place before him. three rings, having the gems garnet, amethyst, and sapphire. slowly removing the three rings he's wearing then chaging them with the rings that came with the gift.

inspecting he rings that slipped in his fingers easily, he was delighted as you knew his finger sizes. with a smirk he stood up to grabbed a wine glass then going back to his seat, pouring himself a glass of wine.

bringing up the brim of the wine glass up to his lips, drinking the red colored wine. his tongue savored the drink, his adams apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed the drink. all he could say that is was fine wine. and the best he's ever tasted, the taste never changes and is purely savory.

with a content sigh he placed down the glass. “maybe this ‘final’ gift of hers is enough. though i still want that kiss.”

edit:another update coz im back watching the anime once again

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another update coz im back watching the anime once again

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