012 ▍the start of their dreams

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where the journey begins


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— Pirate King G. Roger —

RUNNING FROM street to street, serim had finally found him. the man hidden underneath in a long green cloak, a bit of his face is seen,  the dark red tattoo on the left side of his face clearly visible.

"dragon-san!" with his name being uttered by the younger, the man turned to him.

"theo? boy, what are you doing here?" dragon asked, looking back to observing the marines scramblig around catching the running pirates.

"you took the words out of my mouth, dragon-san. im heading back to paradise later. what is someone like you doing here?"

"to see someone off." this confused theo but brushed it off, not wanting to question any further.

the red vested teen now being attacked by the marine captain smoker, luffy along with sanji couldn't land a hit on the man due to his devil fruit ability.

not a second later, dragon who was beside theo went towards smoker stopping the marine's jitte from reaching the young captain.

"e?" serim was utterly confused, dragon is a very secretive man, not much is known about him, not even his motives.

"the world awaits our answer. . .!" on cue a gust of wind blow in causing some of the marines to be lifted from the ground and allowing luffy and his crew to escape.

theo stared at dragon, letting the young pirates go on, he'll just meet them on their ship.

"haha. . . go on then, if that is your desire!" does dragon-san know who luffy is?

"why did you help him escape!? dragon!" smoker asked standing up his feet.

"what reason do you have for preventing a man from setting sail?" dragon asked back.

something tugged the ends of theo's lips, he laughed causing smoker to turn to him with wide eyes. "i should also get going then." with that, the blonde haired chef ran, away from the marine and the revolutionary.

"what?! that man is. . .! "

from a distance he see the crew already leaving to set said, he smiled, he knew he can make it.

leeping high onwards the ship, freaking out the crew. "ahaha, sorry 'bout that."

"theo! glad you're alright!" luffy spoke slapping his hand on theo back.

the older then pointed towards the lighthouse not far from them. "you guys see that lighthouse over there?"

"you mean that lighthouse?"

nami continued, "it's known as the light of guidance. the entrance to the grand line, is just up ahead that light. so what shall we do?"

sitting on the railing he watched the crew of five, the long nosed sniper panicking while the other were nonchalant.

"so we've reached the grand line, have we? well this calls for a celebration!" sanji declared setting a barrel on the deck. since the brown haired male is technically not a member, he watched from the sidelines with a smile.

each of the straw hats performs a ceremony of sorts by placing their foot on a barrel and vowing their dreams once more, as the ship nears the entrance to the grand Line.

"to find all blue."

"to become the pirate king!"

"to be the greatest swordsman. . ."

"to draw a map of the world!"

"t. . . t-to become a brave warrior of the seas!"

"off to grand line we go!"

all of then now sat in the kitchen, where their meeting room is.

"nami!" serim called. the said lass then turned to him. "the grand line is an enigma, doesn't mean that you're best at navigating you can sail the seas smoothly. expect the unexpected.".

this made nami swallow the forming lump on her throat. the captain entering the conversation with a chuckle, "you know a lot about the grand line, huh? theo?" as a respond theo nodded. "why of course."

"the entrance to grand line, is a mountain." the female navigator announce, hands above the map on the table.

"a mountain?!"

"exactly. i had a hard time believing it myself when i looked at the map, but look!" she pointed at the said map, "the light of guidance was directly pointing at reverse mountain located right here on red line." as the five discussed about the reverse mountain, theo is getting a little sleepy.

"aww you're leaving already?!" cried shanks, arm not letting you walk out the area.

"we have to pick up theo and i have somewhere to go! shanks, let me go!" earning a frantic shake on his head from the red hair.

"noooooo. . ." his crew laughed at him, "captain's really drunk, he wont let you go, [name]!" says roux as he took a big bite out of a chunk of meat.

"akagami, just let [name] go already." your savior, the one and only dracule mihawk finally spoke.

"what?! no waaayyyy." the red haired chief whined.

you sighed, you can't be late to pick up theo. screw it!

"go on ahead, guys. i'll catch up." with a nod the five went back to where the ship was anchored.

you held your hands up to his cheeks and caressed them. pulling his face to your level. "i. . . need to go." he only pouted.

"i'll see you all once again next time." bidding your goodbyes then left.

but not before giving a peck on shank's check.

"set sail to the twin capes!"

after two weeks of sufferingon online classes and activities,i give you an update—

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after two weeks of suffering
on online classes and activities,
i give you an update—

tho i still cant update my other book.

take care everyone!♡♡

*thinking where to steal primogems for kazuha*

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