010 ▍cursed among all cursed

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where the journey begins

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TO RORONOA ZORO'S luck he have found a store that sells weapons, the arms shop. walking inside the store, he was greeted by various kinds of weaponry.

“i'd like to purchase a sword.” he stated his purpose as he walked in.

the store owner, ippon matsu, greeted him. “yes, yes, yes, yes. come right in, sir. please feel free to look around as much as you want. we've got antique swords, new swords, and the latest swords in fashion. after all, this is a well-established store that's been in business for over 200 years!”

the green haired swordsman laid the money he had on the desk, “i've got 100,000 beli. sell me two swords.”

“100,000?” the owner's face darkened, “you want two swords with only 100,000!? if you're looking to buy one sword each for around 50,000, ive only got blunt pieces of trash to sell, y'hear!?” thinking on how the pirate swordsmans was just a penniless trash and some kind of ignorant newbie.

though after identifying the sword on the green haired lad's waist. asking to see it up close, zoro handed it to him. upon observing the blade, he knew he was right. it is certainly the wadou ichimonji.

the owner then offered zoro to sell him the sword, zoro denied, but a certain female came unannounced inside the shop.

“ahhhhh! this sword! could it be!?” taking her glasses, “this is. . . wadou ichimonji, right!? such a beautiful edge. . .” examining the blade.

the owner then states that it was just a decent sword only for the black haired female to deny his claim.

“decent!? why, that's ridiculous! this is one of the 21 great-grade swords! it's famous!” whipping out a small book that contain sword informations. “look! look right here! it's a sword that cant be bought for any less than a million beli!”

because of this the owner of the shop got angry and handed the girl back her sword that she came to pick up. he then pointed out the barrels on the back are full of swords that costs 50,000.

tashigi finally recognized the green haired male that she met on the streets earlier.

“so, you love swords, do you? if you dont mind me saying, your three swords remind me of a certain bounty hunter!” tashigu started to talk as zoro went towards the barrel to pick out what swords he would like.

“a certain bounty hunter. . .?” asked zoro, unsheathing a random sword.

“im talking of roronoa zoro, do you know him?”

“i have heard of his name quite a bit.” the male lied.

“yes, he's quite a famous swordsman here in east blue. or should i say, infamous? to think that he treats his swords his swords as merely a means of making money. . . it's simply unforgivable!” she muttered, looking at her sword, shigure, as she continued to talk. “why is that the evil are so strong in this day and age. . .? all the famous swordsmen of today are either pirates or bounty hunters. and they're the one's who possess most of the world's masteework blades. the swords are crying, you know.”

ippon matsu, the owner, who sat on the counter then complained on how he barely got anymore costumers ever since a monster was placed incharge of the town. tashigi spoke and smoker is no monster.

“in any case. . . being a swordsman myself, i vow to train harder and harder with my shigure, such that i can travel the world and retrieve all the masterwork blades from the hands of the criminals! whether it be the 12— no, 13 supreme-grade swords, 21 great-grade swords, or the 50 skillful-grade swords, i shall risk my life to retrieve them!” she announced.

“does that mean you'll take this sword too?” zoro asked holding the white scabbard of the sword, “this sword you call wadou ichimonji. . .” tashigu then opposed saying she simply detest the idea of the swords being used for evil.

looking back on the barrels, a sword with a deep red sheath. she then grabs it and presented it to zoro.

sandai kitetsu! you should definitely buy this sword!” asking the owner if he really was selling it for only 50,000 to which the owner agreed, reluctantly.

“that's amazing! this is another high-grade sword! it should normally be sold for a million beli. it's predecessor nidai kitetsu is one of the great-grade swords, while shodai kitetsu is one of the supreme-grade swords!” all of a sudden the owner shrieked, yelling he changed his mind and that he can't sell him the sword.

zoro then asked if it was cursed as he examined the unsheathed blade.

“you knew?” the owner asked.

“no. . . i could tell.”

“. . . it's as you said. beginning with the shodai kitetsu, the kitetsu line of blades are renowned for their quality, but they're also cursed swords! many famous swordsmen of the past have suffered tragic deaths after carrying around the kitetsu swords. that's why you wont find any swordsmen who'd dare to use a kitetsu these days. even if a person was unaware of the curse behind these swords, they'd still end up dying after wielding one. i wish i could get rid of that damn sword, but im afraid to be cursed too. . . ” tashigi then started to apologize for what she have spoken of earlier about the sword, bowing her head in the process.

“about cursed swords, mister, have you heard about the hyakki pair?” she asked earning a hesitant nod from the man.

“of course, the most cursed sword among all cursed swords. the first one is said to be very uncontrollable that it would bring death not only to it's owner but also to those around them. while the second. . . can compare to the kitetsu line.” the owner explained.

most cursed sword among all cursed swords, huh? zoro thought looking back at the blade on his hand, he smirk. “i like it! so much so that i'll take it!”

the shop's owner once again refuses to sell the sword to him, reminding him the the curse associated with it. zoro then decided to test his luck against the blade's curse, holding out his arm as he throws it in the air. Surprisingly, the blade circles around his arm and lands without cutting it off. out of respect for zoro's luck and skill, ipponmatsu allows him to keep the blade, before also giving him yubashiri the family heirloom and the best sword in his shop.

walking out of the shop, the green haired lad sighed in relief, finally having three swords and not one penny was used.

looking at his new cursed sword, he remembered the cursed blade ippon matsu spoke of. he smirked to himself.

if my luck's enough, then maybe i can find that sword in the grand line.

i know this chap didnt make senseto the story but even swords need introduction y'know

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i know this chap didnt make sense
to the story but even swords need introduction y'know.

my welkin is over D:

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