005 ▍the royal shichibukai

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— a wish for freedom

— a wish for freedom

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THE TUNE of the sea shanty, bink's brew, is heared throughout the decks of the ship. its been a few minutes since you left the shores of the territory island. long story short, the six of you are having fun.

yo-hohoho, yo-hohoho!

staring from afar, resting your check on the palm of your hand as you lean on the railing. humming the song to yourself, reminiscing the past.

a sudden call of your name cut you off from your daydream.

“pirate ship at eleven o'clock!” the look out reported from the crow's nest.

your second in command went beside you and asked, “should we let them be?”

you raised a brow, thinking of a bwst decision when the ship's helmsman cackled, “or we rob them, if we're lucky enough they might have booze and treasure with them.” he stated, tidying his braids. the musician also agreed twirling her baton.

the navigator sighed and shook her head softly. “what? it's a good idea.” the jett haired musician debated. “a very good idea at that,” agreed the helmsman.

“you two!” the wine haired navigator pointed at you and kurose, “how to you deal with them when they're like this?!”

“you just gonna deal with it.”

it has been minutes since they left the restaurant. theo took the time to read and analyze the recipes that zeff gave him, totally ignoring the still crying yosaku.

“hey, how long are you gonna cry for? cheer up already.” luffy spoke hoping that yosaku would stop crying.

“b-but im so touched! it was truly a beautiful good-bye, brother cook.” he sobbed.

“you are keeping check on our boat's direction, right?” sanji nonchalantly asked, smoking his cigarette.

this somehow reminded theo of his captain, he always thinks where the heck does she keep that smoking pipe of hers.

“ahh! i wanna bring nami back so we can go to grand line already!” luffy excitedly yelled, throwing his arms.

“you're awfully happy. but even with nami, dont you still only have five people? are you seriously planning to go to grand line with only five people.” sanji interrogated.

five people. . . well, we did survive only having five people from the start, maybe they can too.

“you'll regret it if you underestimate the seas, you hear!?yosaku adviced.

“if its more crew members i need, i can do that in grand line too! after all, its suppose to be paradise!”

“paradise? dont you mean a pirate's graveyard!?” sanji commented.

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