020 ▍disgust

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— sand's fear of water

— sand's fear of water

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silvers rayleigh, an old man he is, drinking whiskey by the counter of his wife's bar when all of a sudden some loud voice made him almost throw up  his drink. 

"ray-saaaaaan!!" he knew that voice. wiping the excess liquid from his lips he turned around to meet you.

he was greeted with a big hug, this is a time when you felt like your back as a childe once again. "aren't you a little older for hugs [name]?" he asked with a chuckle.


"the captain's really childish when it comes to ray-san after all." says kurose who sat on the sofa beside the windows. "let her be. anyway, shakky-san can i have some wine."

"my, our wine is a bit expensive. . ."

"no it's not, now give it to me."

"so, where did you go this time, [name.]" rayleigh asked refilling his glass with more whiskey. does this man never get drunk or?

"i visited shanks not long ago, he's still the same. the same as you still drinking most of the time." this made the silver haired man laugh. "that's shanks for 'ya!"

"then went to alabasta kingdom. long story short, nothing much happened. though serim did meet someone interesting when he went back to east blue." this statement peaked his interest as he spoke, "hmm? and who might that be?"

"you'll know him in due time. hey hey hey! all this chitchat is making me forget my goal in coming here! you're distracting me on purpose." furrowing your eyes at him.

rayleigh smiled at you not minding your little tantrum on him, you're already old enough yet he still sees you as the little child you once were, the childe who couldn't  even reach the counter even though you tried your best, you always ended up crying to him so that he'll sat you down the bar stool.  a few more years then you'll end up as tall as boa hancock herself, and yeah he's overreacting. he's looking a proud old man as his daughter grew up as a fine young lady

"well, [name], i think ray-san is daydreaming." hearing his wife's voice made him break through his thoughts, "huh? what daydreaming are you talking about shakky?"

"he's just proud of you dear, don't mind him." and now he's being teased by his own wife.

"of course he is, if he wasn't then all his teachings would be thrown to waste. alright, enough of that, ray-san we need you to coat the ship as soon as possible." you stated, resting your check on your palm.

rayleigh looked at your confused, "what's the hurry?" your shook your head softly, "nothing really. it's just if i left it for more that the time needed, something might happen. not that i don't trust my crew back home, but still. . ."

"i see, i'll start later. it will take at least 3 days, so enjoy the rest of your stay here, alright?" his large hand patting your head softly, careful not to ruin your hair. giving in, you nodded, "alright."

after leaving whiskey peak, the strawhat crew along with vivi are now heading to little garden as their captain destroyed the eternal pose to alabasta given by miss all sunday.

vivi now explaining the dangers of the weather in the grand line but somehow luffy made her words pass through his ears.

as they were drinking the drinks that sanji has made, a dolphin appeared. unusually bigger than the normal once at sea. 


"let's run away!"

"aye-aye, cap'n!"

“hey, ray-san. remember about that boy that shanks gave his hat to?” you ask sipping your drink that was given by shakky for free!

to which he replied “hahaha of course. . .” as he pour himself another class asking his wife for more ice.

“his crew has finally sailed into the grand line, atleast that was what theo told me.” you stated.

the rest of the crew has went out, some went to the park to catch up with ume and azure, while the others   probably did some window shopping.

“hmm.” the old man only hummed. the surroundings became quiet, only the sound of ice clinking against the glass could be heard.

mind already going through many thoughts, reports from the revolutionary army hasn't come in a while, more than a few of the crew also haven't come back to the island territory.

a loud slam of the door removed your from your thoughts, it was then again another batch of disrespectful men who drinks and drinks till they're satisfied.

“AaaAh ShAkkY, OnE BotTle~ oF WhisKey pLeAsssSSSse.” the first man to enter slurred. there were three of them, as they walk in they sat down next to you.

one cocked a brow as he stared at you, “hEY, ArEN't YoU ToO YOUng TO dRINk hahaAhHahAh.”

too loud.

oOh HaVe I SEeN YOu bEfore, YoU LoOk FamiLiArRrRrR.” proceeding to rest his probably dirty hand on your shoulder, leaning his face to have a better view.

his breath reeked off alcohol, along with smoke. thinking if this person took a shower or not. you've finally have enough as he speak slurred sentences on your ear. creepy and disgusting.

“excuse me.” a mild [color] aura surrounded the bar, “but please do not speak to me casually as if i know you.” with that the three men past out cold on the floor. “i'll have kurose throw them out once he—”

“no need.” shakky proceeded to nonchalantly grab the three on their collars, opening the door and throwing them outside just like what she done earlier. she's really used to these kind of stuff.

rayleigh only obsevered, silently smirking as he drank his drink once again for the fifth time.

rayleigh only obsevered, silently smirking as he drank his drink once again for the fifth time

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uta's so pretty omggg

i honestly don't know what to write here T^T

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