Chapter 166-167

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Chapter 166 The Second Ruse That Caused Injuries!

“Quick, see if Madam is fine!” Nanny Zhou held onto a nearby chair to hoist herself back on her feet. She was so panicked that her face had turned pale. The injury on her leg was minor; all it did was slice her skin enough to produce some blood. Panicked as she was, she couldn’t process the pain.

The dumbfounded maids and older female servants hastily ran over. Some propped, while others pulled. They helped the two ladies in front of the bed stand upright and led them to the chairs before checking on bedridden Madam Di.

The medicine concoction, so dark it was almost black, spilled all over the bed. Madam Di was as pale as a sheet of paper. There were still traces of a dark liquid on her hand. She was hurting so much that she was shuddering and incapable of speaking even a word. She stood upright on the bed, dispelling all of her sickly demeanor from before.

Nanny Zhou immediately ordered the other servants to fetch a clothing rag. After wiping Madam Di’s hand, she excused everyone else from the room and changed everything on Madam Di’s bed as well as her clothes. She then hastily sent someone to fetch a physician.

Qi Rongzhi and Qin Wanru sat on the chairs in the exterior room in silence. Both looked frenetic as if they had received a shock.

Qin Yuru looked even ghastlier. She sat on the chair, eyeing the two of them with a cold gaze. She picked up the cup and threw it on the floor. “Did you two do this on purpose?”

Qi Rongzhi looked up, revealing her wan face. “Sister Yuru, how… how can you accuse me of such a thing? I’m sincere about serving Madam Di… Who knew Nanny Zhou will snatch the bowl from me? I wouldn’t have expected you to come and snatch it as well.”

Qi Rongzhi looked like she had been mistreated.

“When have you ever been so kind as to help me attend to Mother? I’d be worshipping the gods if you don’t cause any trouble,” Qin Yuru retorted unhappily. When she recalled Madam Di’s screech earlier, she could almost feel her pain.

“Sister Yuru… you… how can you say that about me…?” Qi Rongzhi began tearing up and sniffling. She wiped her tears with her handkerchief, but the cloth was stained with blood instead. It was stained from when she pressed the handkerchief over her injured foot.

“Big Sister, it’s not like Miss Qi did it on purpose,” Qin Wanru said softly, sounding as if she couldn’t stand watching an injustice.

“You’re one to talk. You did it on purpose, didn’t you? You’re here to create chaos, didn’t you? I just knew that you two didn’t come to attend to Mother on her sickbed without malice!” Qin Yuru said through gritted teeth.

“Big Sister, how could you think so poorly of us?” Qin Wanru replied, looking shocked. “I came here on Madam’s orders. Do you mean that Madam wanted me to come here and create chaos?”

“You…” Qin Yuru was livid, but Di Yan interrupted her and said, “Enough. These two wouldn’t want to see this happen. Who’d expect such an accident? No one wanted this. Besides, they’re both injured as well.”

“Cousin Brother, how can you stand on their side? Look at them! Neither of them bears any goodwill!” Qin Yuru said indignantly. The rim of her eyes reddened after hearing Di Yan admonish her. She glared at Qin Wanru and Qi Rongzhi.

“Prince, I… I didn’t do it on purpose. I swear. Please help me prove my innocence, Prince, or my father will punish me when he comes to the capital!” Leaning against the side table, Qi Rongzhi sobbed so hard that she could hardly breathe and her entire body was trembling. Evidently, she was terrified of the familial punishment of Qi’s Mansion.

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