Chapter 39 The Big Scar on the Hand

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Qin Wanru was already prepared. She hid behind the back of the servants standing near her.

The few servants saw that Qi Rongzhi was still coming for Qin Wanru and immediately went up to block her. However, Qi Rongzhi had just suffered some pain and was now coming towards them like a mad dog. She pushed the servants over and because they did not dare to hurt her, they could only keep on stepping back. Some of them got hit by Qi Rongzhi.

Qin Wanru retreated to the door. Hearing footsteps coming towards them, she looked towards the incoming Qi Rongzhi and broke into a sinister smile before she stepped outside of the room with one swift step.

Madam Di was hurrying over with a few servants and old women. She saw Qin Wanru step outside of the room and paid no attention to her while she tried to get inside.

Qi Rongzhi was provoked by Qin Wanru to the extent that she was about to go crazy. She rushed out of the door and saw that someone was blocking her path. Thinking that it was a servant in her way, she swayed her hand and gave her two tight slaps and scolded sternly, “Bitch, get out of my way!”

She then gave the person a hard push.

Madam Di was bewildered. Before she could process what was going on, she was pushed outside of the door. Luckily, the quick-eyed servants behind her managed to catch her. After a temporary pause, her temper shot up instantly. She pointed to the already-shocked Qi Rongzhi and shouted, “Get hold of that vixen! Hit her or kill her, I don’t care!”

Madam Di was furious. Before she arrived, she listened to her subordinates report on how Qi Rongzhi had poured a bowl of scorching porridge onto Qin Yuru and scalded her. She rushed over in a hurry and was given two tight slaps by Qi Rongzhi!

Once she saw that the person she hit was Madam Di, Qi Rongzhi knew that she was doomed. She stopped making a fuss immediately and was held by the servants and older women.

“Madam Di, what has my daughter done for an elder like you to call her a vixen? She’s still a kid!” A stern remark came from behind the chaotic crowd.

A representative from Magistrate Qi had arrived after being informed by Old Grandma!

Hearing this voice, Qi Rongzhi immediately sprung into pitiful tears. “Mother, Mother, they want to ruin my reputation, they want to destroy me!”

“What? Madam Di, time and again, you guys try to destroy my two daughters, why do you keep doing this!” Madam Li from Magistrate Qi had just reached the yard’s entrance. Upon hearing her daughter’s cries, she looked at her torn clothes and was fuming with anger.

She came slightly later and did not see Qi Rongzhi giving two tight slaps to Madam Di. She only saw how her own daughter was being held by servants and had ended up in such a terrible state. She looked nowhere like the daughter of a rich family.

“Madam Li, you’re just in time. Your daughter scalded Yu Ru with a bowl of hot porridge and even slapped me twice! How are you going to settle this? If she’s not a vixen, that what is she? A kid? She’s already so big and ready to get married, yet she’s still a kid?”

Madam Di was also full of anger. She was both mad and angry. The two slaps had caused her to lose all of her face, how could she anything nice at this point in time?

Qin Wanru watched the two quarrel with a peaceful heart. A cold smile flashed across her big eyes and frost started forming at the bottom of her eyes. In the past, when Qi Rongzhi would hit herself or ‘accidentally’ get hurt, these two would fight to find out. Qi Rongzhi was just a child, this was no big deal. They would have such a big fight that even her Grandmother could not stand up for her.

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