Chapter 37 Going Up To Her To Apologize Personally

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“Please let Second Miss Qin in!” instructed the Old Grandma.

Qin Wanru entered the room followed by Qing Yue. She first paid her respect to Old Grandma. Thereafter, she walked to the bed and reached out to touch Old Grandma’s forehead, then her own, checking her grandmother’s temperature against her own. “Not hot!” Qin Wanru cried, as a smile spread across her face.

This was what Old Grandmother used to do to her when she was ill. This time, it was the other way round. This loving gesture coming from a little girl brought warmth to Old Grandma’s heart. To Old Grandma, this was many times better than a word of concern.

“I’m alright, it’s an old problem!” said Old Grandma with a smile. She coughed a little, then took Qin Wanru’s hand and sat her down beside her bed.

“Grandma, you didn’t use to cough this badly at this time of the years in the past!” Qin Wanru said, as her smile faded. In fact, she was starting to look worried and sad as she thought something was not quite right with her grandmother’s cough.

“It’s not a big deal. It’s just that I’m getting older and it’s only natural that my health deteriorates with time!” chuckled Old Grandma. She patted on Qin Wanru’s hand light and said lovingly, “While you are growing up, Zhuozhuo, I’m getting older at the same time. This is only natural.”

“How is that natural? Zhuozhuo somehow feel that something isn’t right!” said the young girl in a childish tone, and this made Old Grandma laugh and cough again.

Qin Wanru went closer to Old Grandmother to give her a back rub.

“It’s nothing serious for Old Grandma to cough a little since she’s getting old. Since you’re here, Wanru, please accompany me to go and apologize to your sister!” said Qi Rongzhi. This was the real reason why she was here to catch Qin Wanru. She was getting impatient watching Qin Wanru and Old Grandma talk intimately.

“This is between you and Elder Sister. You should go on your own because I want to keep my grandmother company,” said Qin Wanru, without looking at Qi Rongzhi, as she continued to pat Old Grandma’s back gently.

“What are you saying?… You better watch out…” Qin Rongzhi had always looked down on Qin Wanru. She could feel anger rising in her when Qin Wanru rebutted and was about to act on her anger.

However, she stopped herself when she locked eyes with Old Grandma, and quickly forced a smile and said, “You see, I’ve accidentally slapped your sister’s face yesterday. She wouldn’t want to see me unless you help me out. Considering the relationship between our families, I’m sure you don’t want my relationship with your elder sister to be strained, do you?”

She had to restrain herself in front of Old Grandma and pretended to be courteous.

Her words were definitely calculated. If Qin Wanru refused to accompany her, it would imply that she wanted to sow discord between Qin Yuru and Qi Rongzhi, and therefore sow discord between the two families. This was not going to look good on Qin Wanru, perhaps in the future, this could be used against Qin Wanru and no one would want such a girl for their daughter-in-law.

A chilling look appeared in Qin Wanru’s eyes as she thought about how Qi Rongzhi always knew how to talk in front of others in order to get her into trouble. Although it was obviously her fault, she had pushed the blame to Qin Wanru the way she phrased her words.

Qin Wanru lifted her gaze to Qi Rongzhi and blinked her long lashes. She was about to say something when Old Grandma tugged on her hand and said, “Zhuozhuo, just accompany Miss Qi to your Elder Sister’s. Once Miss Qi is done with apologizing to your sister, she may finally go home with peace of mind.”

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