Chapter 27 Irritation, Old Jealousy

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“It was not a very interesting thing. We were just young at that time.” Qin Huaiyong said it bitterly, and found it was harder and harder to swallow the delicate snack in his mouth.

“Were you just as young as me right now? And innocent?” Qin Wanru became more and more curious, “Father, can you talk about what happened between you and Aunt Shui when you were young, what did you play at the time?”

“It’s been so long, I can’t remember it!” Qin Huaiyong didn’t really want to say something happened back then. Thinking about what happened in the past few days, he just felt guilty and sad.

“Just say something, father, I want to hear it. Next time when I visit Aunt Shui, I could tell her about these things. Maybe she would be happy then. I heard that she has been in a bad mood recently, and moved to the family temple to live alone there!” Qin Wanru said it sadly.

Seeing the little daughter’s cute face, even though Qin Huaiyong had kept a lot in his mind, he could only be relieved. He then sighed and put the snack in his hand on the plate. “Your Aunt Shui was still young at the time. She looked quite quiet, but she could be really crazy than anyone else when she was really in the mood to play···”

“What is General and Wanru talking about and being so happy?” Mrs. Qin’s voice suddenly appeared at the door.

Qin Wanru looked back and saw that Mrs. Qin was really here.

“Mother!” Qin Wanru, who was laughing like a blooming flower, immediately looked like an eggplant that was frosted. She stood up and put on a stiff smile. She then gave a salute to Mrs. Qin and consciously moved towards Qin Huaiyong, seemed to be intimidated.

“What are you doing here?” Seeing that the little daughter was scared by seeing Mrs. Qin, Qin Huaiyong asked in an unpleasant way.

“What do you mean? So Wanru can come, but her mother couldn’t? Is it because I disturbed your talking?” Mrs. Qin said it with jealousy.

Mrs. Qin felt unbearable and hateful when she saw the vivid expression on Qin Huaiyong’s face when she came in. She had suspected that there was something between Shui Ruolan and Qin Huaiyong for a long time, but they were too careful with it and never revealed anything in front of herself.

“Mother, me and my father were talking about Aunt Shui when she was young!” Qin Wanru gently laughed and talked again about the topic that made Mrs. Qin extremely jealous, “My father thought that Aunt Shui was very cute at that time!”

The more Qin Wanru talked about, Mrs. Qin was more sure about that there was something between Qin Huaiyong and Shui Ruolan. The hatred in her heart seemed to grow like roots, and it was still spreading. She always felt so much chest distress that she could barely say anything.

“Mother, father likes Aunt Shui, do you like her too? Is it because you like to eat the same dishes as her?” Qin Wanru said with a smile and raised eyebrows, it seemed that she was in a really good mood.

Qin Wanru being so happy made Mrs. Qin think of Qin Yuru, who was just crying. She only felt hurt as if her heart was burning. The little girl who should have been in trouble had escaped, instead, something bad happened to her own daughter, how could she accept it?

The thing that Qin Wanru mentioned about the dished also made her shocked. Since it was the topic she didn’t want to talk about, so she slightly smiled, as if she didn’t hear what Qin Wanru just said, and changed the topic.

“We can talk about your Aunt Shui later, I want to tell your father about the things happened in Magistrate Qi’s mansion. Since you are here, Miss Qi will come to the house tomorrow. You are the master, so you can accompany her to have some fun.”

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