Chapter 66 What You Owed Me, What You Will Need to Pay Back

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Qin Wanru woke up early. When she opened her eyes in a loss, she felt as if thousands of weights were oppressing her and she almost lost her last breath. So it was possible that she woke up because of the heavy weight oppressing on her body.

She pushed that thing to the other side for several times subconsciously and was trying hard to push it away from her body. However, her hands were pressed under it and couldn’t lift them.

Qin Wanru got worried because she had no idea if she was awake or was still in the dream. Clenching her teeth, she grabbed it hard and pushed it aside. As she was trying so hard, her feet kicked into the air when she exhausted all her strength.

What was binding her seemed to get kicked away and then dropped heavily under the bed. Thus, She got herself relaxed bodily. Qin Wanru exhaled heavily, which made her eyelashes flutter for several times. When she was about to close eyes again, a sudden feeling seized her and made her look under the bed. What she was confronting with was a pair of cold and bloodthirsty eyes.

For a moment, a screaming choked her words. Stunningly, she stared at this messy but beautiful lad in front of her with her wide bright and water-like eyes. It was highly possible that he was never so awkward and messy in all his life, and his gorgeous eyes were filled with ruthlessness and incredibility.

He fell over in front of her bed so hard that the crown on his head skewed off, making the respectable King Chen look awkward.

“Why didn’t you pull me up!” They people stuck there for a while before Chu Liuchen said that with a cold and sullen look on his face.

Hurriedly, Qin Wanru supported herself and reached out a hand to him.

Chu Liuchen reached to get her little hand and used his full strength to pull himself up. Without knowing what was happening and all relying on her instinct, she didn’t expect his pull was so hard that she failed to pull him up but made herself got dragged off from the bed. She oppressed on Chu Liuchen’s body alongside with her quilt.

Chu Liuchen just stood up a little bit but got pressed again, and this almost made him get furious. Now he looked much more gloomy.

Fortunately, Qin Wanru was small and thin and the quilt was not massive as well. Otherwise, Prince Chen was afraid of pressing to spit blood. On thinking of himself, a decent Prince Chen almost got oppressed to spit blood by a woman, his eyes were giving out more than coldness but brutality.

He clenched his teeth with bitterness, “Qin Wanru… ”

“Childe, how could you be there? This… this my room, right?” Qin Wanru said and was fully awake after the fall. She jumped to stand up immediately with her hands, reaching to pull up Chu Liuchen with her water-like eyes rolling.

This time, she supported herself on the edge of the bed in one hand and Chu Liuchen was using strength as well, she successfully pulled Chu Liuchen up. After checking this Prince Chen from his top to bottom, she was relieved because he still wore outfits though he fell and made such chaos to himself. However, this idea reminded herself of only wearing the underwear, so she picked up the quilt and jumped into the bed.

She immersed her entire body under the quilt, leaving only one head out of it and a pair of large sharp eyes staring at Chu Liuchen while rolling.

“What are you hiding for, I have seen everything already. There is nothing worthy to see!” Chu Liuchen put on a cold but handsome look then sat on the bed and pulled Qin Wanru’s quilt. He said naturally, “I am cold, give me some quilt to keep warm.”

Qin Wanru was frightened and said, “childe, a girl and a boy are forbidden to share even the same chair when they are 7 years old!”

Although she was still an 11 years old a child and was impossible to think that Chu Liuchen had other intentions. But she was well educated and the showing up of Chu Liuchen on her bed really examined her bottom line.

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