Chapter 28 The True So-called Coincidence

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In the study room, Qin Huaiyong smashed the cup in Mrs. Qin’s foot, who was scared to step back and hit the table on the side.

“Talk about it, what is going on?” Qin Huaiyong gloomily looked at Mrs. Qin with a pair of fierce and suffocating eyes.

Mrs. Qin was shocked and knew that Qin Huaiyong was really angry. She then hurriedly pretended to be confused and said. “General, I don’t know what you are talking about?”

“How come I didn’t know that you have the same taste as my cousin? When did you actually take away the dishes she likes!” Qin Huaiyong harshly said with a cold voice.

“I··· General, I··· I just wanted to taste her food that day so I told people in the kitchen. After they sent the food, I didn’t feel very good after I tasted it, so I didn’t care. I didn’t know that they went behind my back and actually took away more than half of cousin’s dishes!”

Mrs. Qin was flustered. She knew about the problem, so she could immediately think of countermeasures and hurriedly said it.

But things could still be clear if they took a deep look into it, since there were many people who had seen that Mrs. Qin had taken away more dishes that day, she couldn’t hide it even if she wanted to.

“You like my cousin’s dishes, so you want to split and have a taste?” Qin Huaiyong sneered and said.

“If you don’t believe me, you can go asking someone else. It was coincident that you and Magistrate Qi were talking about Yuru’s marriage, since I didn’t know how things went on between you and assumed that you had no appetite, so I ate after seeing mother. A biddy of mother told me that cousin’s dishes were pretty good, thus I did it, how could you just say that I ate her dishes deliberately?”

Mrs. Qin felt she was wronged, and her eyes turned red.

At that time, she deliberately let a biddy around Madam mention this matter to make it look casual, and she did it on purpose in front of Servant Duan, who Madam trusted most.

Because Qin Huaiyong had a very good relationship with Magistrate Qi, so they were very congenial every time they drank together, and he would always come back drunk. But on that day, it was Mrs. Qin, who deliberately asked Qin Huaiyong to find Magistrate Qi to discuss the marriage.

“How come things could be so coincident? You split cousin’s dishes, so Qionghua ate her own and got stomachache?” Qin Huaiyong could not believe Mrs. Qin’s explanation, but his voice was softened.

“General, why should I know about that··· you know that your cousin has never been close to me and she barely talks to me even if something bad happened to her. Though I tried so hard to make a good relationship with her, she was just cold to me. I don’t really know what she thinks about, and Qionghua is her servant, so what do you really mean by saying this?”

Mrs. Qin cried with grievances, covered her face with handkerchief to act like sad. She didn’t mean well by what she just said. She meant that there was something wrong with what Qionghua had said.

Qin Huaiyong’s expression was still serious. He knew that Shui Ruolan and Mrs. Qin’s personalities were not alike and they were usually indifferent when they met each other. Mrs. Qin didn’t lie about it, but he was still confused and his brows were tightly locked.

Of course, he didn’t know that what he saw was deliberately planned by Mrs. Qin. The so-called “what he knew” was simply on the surface that he thought that Mrs. Qin was really good for Shui Ruolan, but what he didn’t know was that Mrs. Qin had always been ignorant of Shui Ruolan, and sometimes even taunted her.

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