Chapter 61 Who Is the Oriole?

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“Young … Young Lady!” The servant panicked but did not dare run away. He came forward tremblingly and saluted.

“What did you take from Shui Ruolan?” Qi Rongzhi coldly said as she set her sights on the servant. Coincidentally, she caught him red-handed.

“Perfume … perfume satchel!” The servant dared not conceal the truth. He told her after stammering for a while.

“What do you need it for?” Qi Rongzhi blinked.

“To … to trick Miss Shui into coming outside.” The servant had received a hint from Qin Yuru’s old woman.

“And then?” Qi Rongzhi narrowed her eyes.

“And then… send people to take Miss Shui away. Shui … Miss Shui is just an outsider in the General’s Mansion… She is not an important person.” He said such things based on Qin Yuru’s old woman’s hint and his own guesses.

Shui Ruolan was nothing but a distant relative. Even if she had an accident and disappeared, it would not be a big deal for the General’s Mansion.

Old Grandma, the only person who had some kinship with Shui Ruolan, was seriously ill. Even if something really happened to Shui Ruolan, she was powerless.

Qi Rongzhi immediately understood Qin Yuru’s thoughts. “Who sent you here?”

“First … First Young Master!” The servant lowered his head and muttered.

“This bitch really is a fox spirit. She obviously doesn’t intend to spare my brother at this point.” With this, Qi Rongzhi gritted her teeth severely. In the truth was found out, Qin Yuru’s involvement would not be discovered, but the Qi Family would probably be exposed.

Fortunately, she stayed alert and approached to the servant. Otherwise, she and her mother would only have found out after her brother had created trouble.

“Give the perfume satchel to me!” Qi Rongzhi said coldly.

“I…” The servant put his hands behind his back.

Chunxi walked forward and stretched out her hand. She said sternly, “Take out the perfume satchel and give it to the Young Lady right now. Do you expect Miss Qin to protect you?”

Qin Yuru might protect a servant in Ningyuan Army General’s Mansion. However, in Magistrate Qi, all the servants knew that the Young Lady was the most favorite.

The servant dared not conceal it anymore. He stretched out his hand and revealed a delicate perfume satchel.

Chunxi immediately took it and gave it to Qi Rongzhi.

Qi Rongzhi received it casually with a sneer rising from the corner of her mouth. “In order to set Shui Ruolan up, Qin Yuru took advantage of my brother. So, let me be the oriole.”

“Since you’re sent by my brother, you should know something, right?” Qi Rongzhi had a grim smile on her face.

“Yes … I really do know some things…” The servant was panicking.

“Come here!” Qi Rongzhi waved her hand.

The servant did not dare to stay there. He came over and nodded as he listened. His face blanched with fear, but he had to listen…

“Young Lady, the Eldest Lady has sent someone to you with an invitation!” Qing Yue came in and reported.

Qin Wanru looked at the sky outside the window. It had not turned dark yet but it would be dark soon. Buddhist pilgrims who had not stayed overnight in the mountain should have gone downhill by now. Most of those who stayed there had come back at this time.

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