Chapter 24 The False Disguise Of a Supposedly Loving Mother

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Qin Wanru stood outside the room instead of entering it. To the maids who came up to her, she waved as an indication not to greet her, but to keep quiet.

“What happened last night? Why was Yuru still out and about at that hour, and worse, to meet Qi Tianyu? How is she to save her reputation as a decent young lady?” the angry voice of Old Grandma could be heard from within the room.

Following that, there was the sound of something being broken into pieces, which Qin Wanru suspected that Old Grandma must have smashed her teapot out of rage!

“Mother, Yuru went out yesterday to purchase those Chinese medicines I needed. She wore the curtained hat because she was afraid people might recognize her. She didn’t expect to bump into Qi Tianyu on her way and he demanded her for an explanation, which was why Yuru followed Qi Tianyu to the restaurant. Yuru didn’t set up her meeting with Qi Tianyu!”

Inside Old Grandma’s room, Mrs. Qin was kneeling and pleading.

“Purchase Chinese medicines? Why would you need those medicines at that hour? And why do you let a young girl run this errand for you?” Old Grandma said with anger and disappointment.

“Initially, the general was supposed to help me settle the issue of the medicines. They were meant for us to bring to the capital city. When I checked our supply the other day, I realized that the quality was not the best. I decided that I should go to the shop these two days to get the top quality supplies to be brought to the capital tomorrow. There was not to be any delay, but I was not feeling well and couldn’t get up from the bed. Yuru couldn’t bear for me to make the trip, so she secretly went out in the night, thinking that no one would notice. Who would have expected Qi Tianyu to still be guarding outside our gates?”

Mrs. Qin was weeping to the point of choking on her tears, as she said, “General, you also know about this, don’t you? I told you yesterday, but you didn’t take it to heart. I had no other choice but to send Yuru out to do it!”

Mrs. Qin turned to look at Qin Huaiyong.

Qin Huaiyong’s face was ashen. His wife indeed mentioned this to him before, telling him that these medicines were to be gifted to some important people they would be meeting in the capital. Qin Huaiyong was waiting for the opportunity to be posted back to the capital and going around to present these gifts was necessary for helping him achieve his goal. He did not take it to heart because he had been too busy recently.

“It is true, Huai?”

“Yes, Mother. It is indeed true,” replied Qin Huaiyong, frowning. The rumors which had been going around was getting worse, but they had been positive about them dying down over time. However, the rumors had turned for the worst because of last night’s incident.

“Although it was an urgent matter, there was no need for Yuru do go out personally. If you had told me, I would have sent someone to collect the medicines!” said Old Grandma, who was not ready to forgive Mrs. Qin just because she sounded reasonable and even had her husband to testify for her.

“There’s already chaos in the house, coupled with the fact that Old Grandma was getting old. Even in an emergency situation, I, as a daughter-in-law wouldn’t dare to trouble Mother!” said Mrs. Qin pitifully.

“I didn’t think this was a big deal and Yuru reassured me that everything would be alright. Who would have expected Qi Tianyu to be at our gates…”

“Alright, let’s stop talking about this. From now on, don’t let Yuru out of the house. You should restrict her whereabouts!” said Old Grandma, whose patience was wearing thin. Nothing much could be done for now except to keep Yuru’s movements restricted. Her reputation in Jiangzhou was totally ruined.

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