Chapter 52 Would There Be Trouble Letting Them Live Together?

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Old Maid Ya came to the General’s Mansion the following day. The General’s family was one of her most important clients.

However, she seemed to have come much earlier than necessary. Old Maid Ya waited at the accounts room for a long time before she got the payment and thereafter, with her face all smiles, she got up to leave.

Although she supposedly waited for a long time, all the while, she was chatting with the people outside the accounts room and so it did not feel like it was a long time.

There was no lack of people gossipping outside the accounts room, in fact, the gossipers came in waves.

Old Maid Ya was not dim-witted, she knew what to say and what not to. She was careful to make a distinction between them. After she took the silver, she was not planning on offending anyone lest it affected her business. She would keep all business relationship cordial, although once in a while she did show some biases, she was careful not to make any of her clients unhappy.

For this reason, she kept her mouth shut on certain things.

Those unfortunate that happened in the Qin’s Mansion had nothing to do with her and she did not want to be implicated.

Early in the morning, Qin Wanru already made her way to Old Grandma’s room and by the time she arrived, Shui Ruolan was already there too. The two of them helped served Old Grandma some porridge first, then they helped her to her bed, where she sat up, leaning to the side, to rest.

Because of her cough, Old Grandma did not have a good night’s sleep. However, the porridge had calm her coughs and as she sat on the bed, leaning to the side, she closed her tired eyes and seemed to have fallen asleep.

Shui Ruolan signaled for Qin Wanru to follow her out of the room at that moment.

By the time the, two got out of Old Grandma’s room and sat down, the maids had prepared some tea for them. Shui Ruolan brought her hand to her forehead and touched it lightly, looking fatigued.

“Did you spend your night here with Old Grandma?” Qin Wanru asked.

“My aunt hasn’t slept well at night. At this time every year, she was usually well and would not start coughing until later. I wonder why she fell ill this early this time,” said Shui Ruolan, nodding her head as a frown appeared between her brows.

“In fact, Grandma does fall ill at this time of the year, but basically she would not be coughing so badly all of a sudden. Moreover, she usually didn’t start coughing right after waking up in the mornings,” said Qin Wanru and bit her lips.

She clearly remembered what happened the other day when Qi Rongzhi fell into the pond. Grandma started coughing badly after she returned to her room. It did not seem like she had caught a cold the night before and fell sick the following morning.

Qin Wanru’s comments gave Shui Ruolan and idea. She locked her brows and asked after a short pause, saying, “Could she had gone through some stimulation, like she was allergic to something?”

Although Old Grandma did have the old problem of coughing once the weather turned cold every year, Shui Ruolan was aware that there was a possibility that an allergen could have triggered Old Grandma’s cough.

Looking at Shui Ruolan’s expression, Qin Wanru realized that she was also beginning to suspect that something was amiss. Initially, Qin Wanru thought she was the only one being suspicious. Unfortunately, the fact that she was too young and helpless, there was no way she could investigate and find out more. Shui Ruolan, however, was different.

“That is possible. That day, after grandma interacted with Mother, my elder sister, and Miss Qi and me, she returned to started to cough non-stop.”

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