Chapter 80 Reminding, A Useful Eyewitness

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“Mother, why didn’t you use the carriage in our mansion?” Qin Huaiyong helped Old Grandma get down the carriage, and he was surprised to see the nun getting off the carriage before Old Grandma.

“The carriage was damaged!” Old Grandma had a sound rest, and she looked energetic now.

“Damaged? What happened?” Qin Huaiyong got stunned, and then he frowned because he had a terrible feeling!

“I don’t know, and I only heard that one of the carriages had a wheel loosed when Zhuozhuo went to check the carriages. What’s more, the carriage with the damaged wheel smashed all other carriages we had in our mansion, and I could barely make here and anchor your wedding with Ruolan!”

Old Grandma said it without carrying any attitudes and expressions.

Qin Huaiyong changed his facial expressions, he was about to say something but Madam Di interrupted him, “mother, finally you arrived. The cart driver just told me that the carriage was damaged, and I was preparing to pick you up with other carriages.”

After she finished her sentence, she rushed into the door, wiping her sweat on the face with a handkerchief, and it could be proved that she was really in a hurry.

“You knew mother’s carriage was damaged?” Qin Huaiyong asked Madam Di in a terrible and unfriendly look, “why I didn’t know anything?”

General, I was preparing other carriages for mother here in a hurry, so I forgot to tell you. I was thinking to find an ideal transport and go up the mountain with you to pick up mother.” Madam Di said with fortunate smile, “Fortunately, it’s such a blessing, Jingxin Monastery master had a carriage and even someone who could drive. Otherwise, it would be so terrible.”

On her way coming here, she already learned the news, and now she also saw a nun standing by Old Grandma, so she understood that it was Jingxin Monastery master spoiled her plan and she was furious now. However, she had to pretend that she was grateful!

Qin Wanru stood aside and smiled, watching Madam Di suffered the consequence she delivered. One occurrence after another, no matter how much did her father trust Madam Di, his trust would abate this time!

Qin Huaiyong would not believe her unless she did practical measures for changing, and she could never bluff her way through!

Obviously, what Qin Huaiyong said next froze the smile on Madam Di’s face.

“So what did you do for this, and where did you borrow the carriage? When did you plan to tell me and go up to the mountain for picking up my mother?” Qin Huaiyong asked, one after another. He kept hurtling his questions angrily towards Madam Di, completely ignoring Madam Di’s rigid facial expression.

Nanny Zhou sensed the situation was unfavorable to them, so she explained for Madam Di in a hurry: “General, this accident just happened, and I was discussing it with Madam just now. We prepared to borrow a carriage with other well-connected Madams. The best carriage in our mansion is the one serving Old Grandma, but now it was damaged and couldn’t be used.”

“Other Madams? Which one?” In the past, Qin Huaiyong would be satisfied with her explanation, but now he decided not to make any compromises, so he sneered and said that. His eyes were concentrating on Madam Di’s face, and he didn’t show any mildness, “Madam Di, don’t tell me at this critical moment, you were only planning but doing nothing.”

“I… I… general, how could say that to me? You know, I care everything about you, and I even accept your decision of marrying Shui Ruolan. I gave you everything you wanted, when did I delay? Now, what’s the attitude? So I’m treated like this even before the new bride marrying into our family?”

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