Chapter 21 First Date

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Qin Wanru walked to the table, picked up the brush, pondered for a moment then put the brush to the paper and began to paint. When she finished painting, she put down the brush and cautiously brought the painting to Chu Liuchen and said, “Please have a look, Prince Chen. This is the pattern I talked about.”

“This is indeed the correct pattern!” said Chu Liuchen when he set his eyes on the painting and raised his eyebrows.

Qin Wanru felt a sudden bitterness in her heart as she remembered how in her previous life, she was so fearful of facing people when she entered the capital city, that she had to resort to painting to get by. For this reason, her painting skills improved leaps and bounds every day. However, her masterly painting skill did not get her anywhere. In fact, it was precisely her painting skill that led her to her tragic death, being cut in half at her waist. At that moment of death, she felt that even the sky appeared twisted.

When the guillotine fell on her, she did not die immediately so one could imagine the immense torment and hopelessness.

“I will bring you the seal tonight!” Chu Liuchen said with a smile, however, there was a chilling viciousness in his smile. He continued to say, “However, you will not let anyone know about this… otherwise…”

“Rest assured, Your Highness. I will take it as we have not helped each other or done each other any favors,” said Qin Wanru solemnly, with a severe-looking and clever expression.

Even though her appearance was that of a young girl, her mature and serious expression, coupled with her delicate features with a little baby fat, made her look extremely adorable.

“Go!” Chu Liuchen was very happy with the outcome. He reached out his hand to pinch her slightly chubby cheeks and then waved his hand in front of a stunned Qin Wanru.

Qin Wanru tried to hold back the look of pain and awkwardness in her heart. She thought Prince Chen was behaving as if he were trying to chase away a puppy.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Wanru bowed respectively and turned to leave. She only dared let out a sigh when she had stepped out of the door. By then, her back was drenched with cold sweat and tears were almost welling up in her eyes. She shot a guarded look at the entrance of the yard.

Prince Chen was indeed a person with multi-personality. Sometimes he was gentle and elegant, other times he was chillingly diabolical, yet there are some other times he looked just like a lazy teenager.

However, there was one thing certain about him, which was that he was a dangerous person no matter which personality he was portraying.

Although he was a dangerous person, hanging on to him would reap great benefits, therefore Qin Wanru was torn as to whether she should hang on to him.

Qin Wanru thought that at this moment, she was just a child after all, and it would be wise to hang on to him since she was in need.

After she made up her mind, she felt a heavy burden fell from her shoulder. She could finally turn and walked out with Qin Yue with peace of mind.

She was heading straight back to her room when halfway, she instructed Qin Yue to check on Qin Yuru. She was, after all, wary of Qi Tianyu’s unpleasant personality.

Qing Yue did not take long to carry out what she was instructed. Soon after Qin Wanru returned to her room and sat down for a while, Qing Yue was back.

“Miss, nothing much had happened to your elder sister!” Qing Yue said, wiping her perspiration.

“Nothing? Did you see any signs of her preparing to go on a trip?” Qin Wanru asked after she paused for a second and broke out into a smile. Had Qi Tianyu not taken any actions? Well, that was not unexpected.

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