Chapter 58 Does Elder Sister Want To Ruin Aunt Shui's Reputation?

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“This…” the reverend of Jingxin Monastery looked to torn between choices.

“Is this impossible?” asked Qin Wanru with wide-opened eyes.

“I can’t say it’s impossible, but it was you who rejected her offer when she picked you. You were not interested to study. Your grandmother had also told my junior sister apprentice that you would never want to pick up medical knowledge. After a few attempts, she finally gave up on asking you. She actually told me she doesn’t want to make any disciples anymore!” said the reverend politely.

What she was trying to say was that Mingqiu Nun was too upset over Qin Wanru’s rejection, so much so she did not ever want to make any other disciples. The thought of it made Qin Wanru feel guilty, all because she did not know how to appreciate the preciousness of such an offer and she made Mingqiu Nun sad.

“Reverend, when Mingqiu Nun returns, I will surely ask her for her forgiveness,” said Qin Wanru determinedly with sincerity in her eyes. Although she was just a child, there was something about her that made people want to believe what she said, that she was not just a kid making empty promises.

The reverend could not help but smiled and said, “Junior sister apprentice had been through so much suffering and loneliness her entire life. She had never grown close to anyone, but only you caught her eyes. It must be fate that made your relationship special.”

Qin Wanru could read into the deeper meaning of the reverend’s words, although she used euphemism and she bowed her head in shame.

The special relationship between people was predestined, just like when Mingqiu Nun who wanted to take Qin Wanru as her disciple the moment she first set her eyes on her. However, if she did not treasure this fate, a good opportunity would be missed.

“Second Miss, Second Miss,Elder Miss is looking for you!” Qin Wanru was stopped by Mei Xue when she was on her way from the reverend’s room back to her room.

“What’s the matter?” asked Qin Wanru as she stopped in her tracks.

“Second Miss, you will find out when you get there. Please follow me!” said Mei Xue. She pointed towards her right and said, “Elder Miss is waiting for you at the pavilion right in front!”

Therefore it seemed that Qin Yuru had been waiting for her since much earlier on.

A light flashed across Qin Wanru’s eyes and she curled up at the corners of her lips. She did not think there was anything to talk about between Qin Yuru and her. Their relationship had been broken and they only tried to put on an amicable front in the presence of outsiders. Qin Yuru’s friendly invitation was something new, which had never happened even before their relationship turned so awkward.

“Let’s go!” said Qin Wanru, not refusing the invitation. She turned and walked in the direction Mei Xue pointed towards. She wanted to see what Qin Yuru was up to after a few days of resting quietly.

Qin Yuru was sitting in the pavilion all alone. The pavilion was located right next to a medium size rockery and it was quite secluded.

However, this was not the General’s Mansion after all and they were visible to guests visiting Jingxin Monastery passing by the pavilion from time to time. Most of the visitors were female although rarely, there would be some male visitors. However, male visitors were strictly not allowed to say overnight in Jingxin Monastery, although they were allowed there during day time.

The wound on Qin Yuru’s face had healed and the gauze covering it had been removed. It had healed well and the little patches around it had faded to be almost invisible. Thankfully, she looked as beautiful and gentle as before.

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