Chapter 131 - 135

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Chapter 131 Check, Great News!

Qin Wanru nodded and followed Shui Ruolan with a smile. They walked together on the small path in the courtyard, followed closely by two girl servants.

"Wanru, thank you!" After taking two steps, Shui Ruolan said softly.

"Mother, you are being too polite. I am still young, and need to rely on mother. I don't want to see anything happen to you. I will definitely protect you!" Qin Wanru's long eyelashes shivered twice, leaving the irregular shadow on her white face. She slightly lifted her small pink lips. She was such a pretty and pitiful child.

Why was Madam Di reluctant to let go of such a pretty and delicate girl!

Thinking of her life experience, Shui Ruolan could not help but sigh lightly. She wanted to tell her something, but she didn't know much about it. If she made a wrong guess, she didn't know if she would mislead the child. After all, she was just a little child.

Moving her mouth, she decided not to say anything for the time being! She would treat her as her biological daughter.

"Just tell me if there is any problem in future. We can get along very well in the past, and now we can get along better," Shui Ruolan softly told her.

"I will definitely tell you if there is any problem!" Qin Wanru said with a smile. At the thought that the current atmosphere was proper, she said with a bit of innocence, "Mother, it will be great that if I have a little brother. Today I saw a kid on the road. The kid was very cute and interesting!"

On hearing her words, Shui Ruolan fell silent for a while, slightly blushed, but became increasingly gentle. "As a kid, how can you talk about something like that?"

"Mother, why can't I say that? The kid is particularly cute and seems to come from an aristocratic family in capital city, followed by a few servants. He is such a little kid who looks cute and energetic with a nice voice!" Qin Wanru continued saying with a smile. Both her eyebrows and eyes were curved, which showed that she really thought so.

She then reached out to pull Shui Ruolan's sleeves. "Mother, if I have a younger brother, will father stop being biased and have more consideration for younger brother?"

Qin Wanru said with some grievances, which greatly accorded with her character as a little girl.

"You are so childish!" Shui Ruolan gently touched Qin Wanru's chignon, and her face became increasingly red. "You talk nonsense again. Others will ridicule you on hearing that."

"Will they? But I heard that there is going to be a baby in our mansion. Aren't they talking about you? Have you deliberately hidden it from me?"

Qin Wanru reached out to shake Shui Ruolan's sleeves with childish ignorance and effeminacy on her face, but Shui Ruolan's face changed...

"When did you hear that?"

"They are not talking about you? Maybe I got it wrong. That day... Nanny Yu said that when she passed by the rockery and heard two girl servants saying... something like having a baby... I don't know exactly... Nanny Yu didn't hear it clearly and make it clear when she came back. So I thought they were talking about you..."

Qin Wanru blinked and looked a bit ignorant.

"Who did you hear it from?" With her face darkening, Shui Ruolan continued asking.

"Nanny Yu said... She just took a glance at the time and didn't see clearly who it was, but I heard that it seems to be someone from mother's yard," Qin Wanru said, seemingly not knowing many details. Thinking about it carefully, it was true. She just heard some words by the road and didn't hear it clearly. It was naturally inconvenient to go over and find out who was talking.

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