Chapter 168-170

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Chapter 168 Yulan Pavilion’s Affairs Don’t Concern You

When Qin Yuru saw Meiyan stepping out, she hastily asked, “Second Miss is uninjured, isn’t she?” There was a smug look on her face.

“First, First Miss…” Meiyan stammered, looking pale even now. She trembled as she looked helplessly at Qin Yuru.

“Speak!” Qin Yuru rebuked. She knew something had gone wrong.

“Second Miss… is badly injured!” Meiyan said, shuddering. She looked pitifully at Qin Yuru. She had no choice but to tell the truth; anyone could verify her words with a quick examination.

But she also knew the consequences of telling the truth. Qin Yuru would never let her off.

Her legs went weak and she fell on her knees with a loud thud. It was obvious that she was trembling.

Qin Yuru was stunned but quickly recovered her senses. With widened eyes, she cried, “Impossible!”

“What makes you say so?” With Qing Yue’s support, Qin Wanru was once again standing in front of the curtain. “If you don’t believe me, Big Sister, you’re free to send even more people to examine me.”

“I’ll… examine it myself!” Not even Qin Yuru knew where did this stubborn refusal to give in come from. Try as she did, she couldn’t suppress her anger.

“Enough!” Qin Huaiyong rebuked, his anger evident from the way his eyes and brows twitched. He kicked a nearby chair out the door and the chair crashed noisily on the floor. The entire house descended into silence.

“Father, I…” Qin Yuru said softly, beginning to feel afraid.

Holding Qing Yue’s hands, Qin Wanru stood in silence. Her long lashes fluttered downward and yet she said nothing.

“Isn’t your Mother ill? Injured too! What are you doing here, not attending to her?” Qin Huaiyong said sternly.

“Father…” Qin Yuru felt humiliated that Qin Huaiyong was admonishing her in front of Di Yan. Her entire face was red and tears were flowing from her eyes.

“You’ll care for your Mother from now on. Your sister is so badly injured; how can she care for another person?” It was, of course, obvious to Qin Huaiyong by now that this was all the work of Madam Di and Qin Yuru.

He had endured Madam Di’s earlier show being severely wounded out of respect for Duke Yong’s Mansion. It was his fault, after all, and Madam Di was indeed injured. Then, they came up with this commotion that seemed to design to torment his younger daughter to death. No matter how much he tried, he couldn’t suppress his fury this time.

“Father, I…” Qin Yuru began to feel mistreated. Even now, she refused to believe that Qin Wanru had truly sustained a heavy injury.

“What are you waiting for? Go back now! I don’t want to hear you causing more trouble!” Qin Huaiyong’s gaze was frigid. He was tremendously disappointed in Qin Yuru. He had hoped that this daughter would go even further. Madam Di and her unruly ways had shaped her daughter in her image. It seemed that he would have to consult his Mother about this. He couldn’t afford to have Madam Di misguide Qin Yuru.

The repeated admonishments from Qin Huaiyong turned Qin Yuru’s face as red as blood. She looked at him and then at Di Yan, who had his head lowered. Tears sprang forth. Sobbing loudly, she ran out of the house. However, she ran a little too fast and accidentally knocked into the chair lying on the floor. A quick-thinking maid immediately grabbed Qin Yuru’s arm but she shoved the maid aside with force. The maid staggered backward and fell down.

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