Chapter 38 A Big Incident, A Fight

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Hearing that she was invited, Qi Rongzhi quickly took big steps into the house.

“Sister Qi, come and have porridge with us. This is cooked using the Kongmy your brother sent us last time. It is very glutinous and fragrant,” Qin Yuru passionately came over to hold her hand and said.

It was as if Qin Yuru did not see Qin Wanru who came in behind Qi Rongzhi. She did not care about her.

Qin Wanru glanced at her from head to tie very passively. Her gaze landed on the three bowls of porridge on the table. The steaming porridge really looked very appetizing.

“Big brother indeed treats you the best!” Qi Rongzhi snorted. However, she did not take her seat. She turned her head and pushed away Qin Yuru’s hand very unhappily. “Big brother treats you so well, how could you back out of the marriage?”

“I…actually, I don’t know what’s going on too. I don’t know where the box was from!” Qin Yuru’s expression changed slightly. She then lowered her head and tears started forming in her eyes. She threw the conversation towards Qin Wanru. She had already discussed this with Madam Di, no matter what, she ‘doesn’t know’ and she was ‘set up’.

“Second Miss, where did the box that you made my big brother find come from?” Qi Rongzhi asked Qin Wanru sternly as if she was accusing her of a crime.

“It was found in big sister’s house, how am I supposed to know where it’s from?” Qin Wanru answered calmly. She then tilted her head slightly and looked at Qin Yuru and asked with slight confusion, “Is big sister going to get engaged to First Young Master of the Qi Family again?”

Qin Yuru froze. She quickly said blurrily, “Now that this has happened, we can only talk about it later.”

What she meant was that since they had broken off the engagement, even if they wanted to re-engage, they would have to wait until this period was over. She sounded like she intended to engage with Magistrate Qi, but be it Qin Wanru or Qi Rongzhi, they all heard the hidden message in her words.

They were not Qi Tianyu, they were not fooled by her.

“Then do you want to engage or not?” As if she did not hear the hidden message, Qin Wanru asked with a smiling face.

“Second sister, our parents are the ones that decide our marital affairs, how can we decide anything? Although there’s only the three of us here now, it is still rude for us to talk about these behind their backs.” Qin Yuru scolded Qin Wanru very sternly as if she really cared about these mannerisms.

“So you’re saying that if Mother decides that you should engage with Duke Yong, you’ll listen to her?” Qin Wanru asked stupidly like a child that had yet to see the world.

Covering her hand with her sleeve, Qin Yuru pinched Qin Wanru while keeping a gentle smile on her face. She prompted, “Second Sister, stop saying improper things. Sit down and have some porridge!”

There were three bowls of porridge on the table, obviously prepared for the trio long ago.

“Qin Wanru, be clear in your words. Is it because you can’t see the good in my big brother and want to climb up to a higher branch?” Qi Rongzhi snorted. She heard the hidden message; Qin Yuru obviously wanted to get rid of Qi Rongzhi’s brother and marry Duke Yong in Jing capital.

She thought about her own brother who was looking forward to re-engage with Ningyuan Army General’s Mansion after some time. Yet, not only was Qin Yuru trying to get out of it, but she was also prioritizing her reputation. She wanted to hide her scandal by covering it with the incident that made her lose her reputation.

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