Chapter 42 The Battle Between the Two Families

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“Miss, I just saw Madam coming back in a hurry with a few letters and went into Young Lady’s yard. She then called in an old woman who was in charge, who then came out with several letters in her hand. I don’t know if all those letters have anything to do with you!”

Qing Yue said with concern.

The reason why she hesitated was that she didn’t know if it was useful to her.

Qin Wanru thought about it for a moment. “Madam just left Young Lady’s yard in a hurry, then she came back with a few letters and asked the old woman to send the letters?”

Mrs. Qin still left Qin Yuru to write letters after something so serious happened to her, then the letters must be sent to the capital city for the medicine.

It was impossible for doctors of Jiangzhou to cure Qin Yuru’s hand since it was burned so badly. Then the letters were most likely to be sent to Duke Yong in the capital city for the medicine.

“You now go to find Nanny Yu, and ask her to find Brother Fengzi to get a letter.” There were many letters, it could be useful to get any one of them, whether it was written by Qin Yuru or Mrs. Qin, she might be able to find something useful.

“This··· If Madam knew about it···” Qing Yue worried and reminded Qin Wanru. Since they had asked Wang Feng to smash the bridal sedan chair, if Wang Feng stepped in again, Mrs. Qin would never let go of Nanny Yu and Wang Feng.

“Wang Feng doesn’t have to face directly to the old woman···” Qin Wanru smiled slightly and said with full confidence. She then whispered something to Qing Yue’s ear.

Qing Yue’s eyes went brighter after hearing it and kept nodding. Then she left Qin Wanru, who was holding her waist, and rushed back to the yard to find Nanny Yu.

Qin Wanru kept holding her waist, and staggered back to her yard.

When she returned to the gate of the yard, Qing Yue ran out again and tried to hold her hand after she saw her. When she was trying to talk, Qin Wanru looked at her with her watery eyes, Qing Yue then immediately shut her mouth and held Qin Wanru into the yard.

The servants and nannies saluted to Qin Wanru right after they saw her walked into the yard. Then they all looked at her into the room while holding her waist.

“What happened to the Second Miss?”

“Did she hurt her waist somewhere?

“Did the Second Miss just fight with someone?”

“Yes, Miss Qi is still in the house, did they fight again!”··· The servants and nannies in the yard all talked about it in groups. Though the voice was not loud, it still sounded harsh when mixed with laughters.

Qing Yue was going out to reprimand, but was stopped by Qin Wanru.

“Miss, look at these people, they don’t really treat you like their master!” Qing Yue sadi with anger. Her face went pale because of rage when seeing them gossiping and gloating about the master.

“Just let them talk!” Qin Wanru slightly smiled and sat in front of the dressing table.

Qing Yue rushed out and brought back a basin of water, helped her wash her face, and served her to change clothes. “Miss, do you want to see a doctor?”

“No, it’s much better now, it’s fine!” Qin Wan shook her head and reached out to touch her waist. It seemed to be really fine and she could barely feel hurt when touching it.

She didn’t know if she didn’t actually have the waist since she was young, or she just felt hurt because of the hit instead of really twisting it.

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