Chapter 45 Let's Make A Deal, Shui Ruolan!

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It was the next day that Mrs. Qin sent to the family temple to look for Shui Ruolan.

Mrs. Qin and Shui Ruolan had not met each other since that incident. She had initially thought that she did not need to come here, she could well humiliate Shui Ruolan when opportunities arose. However, it seemed that there was no other choice but to pay her a visit this day.

“How have you been these few days, my dear cousin?” said Mrs. Qin with a smile as soon as she entered through the door as she put a handkerchief to her mouth. She had applied ice to her cheek last night and the swell had somewhat subsided. Given that she also applied a layer of blush on her cheek, basically, no one could tell that she had been slapped on her face the day before.

“I’m doing alright!” Shui Ruolan replied, having braced herself for this. She looked at Mrs. Qin calmly with her black eyes.

Mrs. Qin threw a jealous look at Shui Ruolan, who, with a fair complexion and dressed in a white robe, appeared much younger than she really was. Although her eyes were not especially bright, they were exuberating an air of elegance. Mrs. Qin had always disliked Shui Ruolan’s quiet charm. She must be such an unfeeling person to be so at peace with being a widow.

Suddenly, the scene of Qin Huaiyong in the study flashed across Mrs. Qin’s mind and she could immediately feel her fury rising up in her and eating her up.

Mrs. Qin had been the one behind the setup, however, what turned out eventually gave Shui Ruolan the opportunity to show Mrs. Qin that she was not one bit interested in Qin Huaiyong.

“You have lost quite a lot of weight these few days, dear cousin! What happened the other day was all the general’s fault. The general had wanted to give you a status in the house as he wished to be accountable to you,” said Mrs. Qin, tightening her fists in secret, then relaxing them and sat down. She dabbed her nose with her handkerchief and pretended to look sincere.

To give her a status in the house would mean for Shui Ruolan to become the general’s concubine. Obviously, Mrs. Qin had to force herself to offer this suggestion.

Mrs. Qin was a heinous woman. So what if the general really have a soft spot for her? Being the wife, and the lady of the house, Mrs. Qin would have control over a concubine. What could Old Grandma do given that she was aging? It would be easy for her to get rid of Shui Ruolan by just making a statement.

“Madam, I don’t want to be a concubine!” said Shui Ruolan to Mrs. Qin impassively as she raised her eyes to her and put down the joss sticks in her hands.

Not only was Mrs. Qin shocked to hear her reply, but the servants who followed behind Mrs. Qin were also taken aback.

Stunned, Mrs. Qin’s face and she said, “Dear cousin, what do you mean by this? Are you saying you want me to give up my place to you?”

“Please give me a chance to explain myself. I had been content staying in my little area in the house when the incident fell upon me. Do you think I designed it?” Shui Ruolan said coldly, lifting her head to meet Mrs. Qin’s face as she continued, “I don’t think it’s an unreasonable request to find out the truth by interrogating all the servants about what happened! We could also engage the help of the wife of Magistrate Qi, so we can prevent unnecessary rumors.”

To let Mrs. Lee help in the investigation?

By now, Mrs. Qin was fuming! Little did she expect that this weak-looking Shui Ruolan would be so sharp-witted. She frowned at Mrs. Qin as if she was trying to look into her heart.

“Aren’t you scheming, Shui Ruolan!” Mrs. Qin gritted her teeth and continued, “Aren’t you afraid that you’ll create more trouble?”

“I’m not worried to blow this up. I’m just afraid that someone had set me up! Originally, I’ve followed my grand aunt here to live a quiet life. I never wanted to be involved in your family matters. However, since now I’ve been implicated, I’ve no intention of running away from it!” said Shui Ruolan, glancing at Mrs. Qin as she tried to dust away the dust on her sleeves.

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