Chapter 116-120

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Chapter 116: Sending the Fish Tank and Seeds

"Rui'an great elder princess?" Qin Wanru was stunned and hurriedly stood up, ready to bow to her, but Rui'an great elder princess instructed Nanny Gao to stop her.

"Since your ankle is injured, you don't have to bow to me. I inexplicably feel that you are adorable when I see you. Our meeting today can be counted as predestined. Coming to the capital means that you should join the circle of noble ladies. When the invitation from my family arrives, you and your mother can come together to my family!" Rui'an great elder princess stood up, speaking to Qin Wanru with a smile.

"Thank you, great elder princess!" Qin Wanru excitedly looked up and then bowed with Yujie as her support.

Qin Wanru was young, but she had manners, which made Rui'an great elder princess's impression of her become better and better. The princess didn't avoid her bow this time and let her do it. After that, she pulled a bracelet from her wrist, took the hand of Qin Wanru, and put it on her wrist.

"Okay, I am leaving now. When my family affairs are done, I will send you an invitation!" Rui'an great elder princess smiled, looking quite happy.

"Thank you, great elder princess!" Qin Wanru bowed low again. Her gratitude was sincere because she would have to follow Madam Di to attend parties in the end if she were not guided by Rui'an great elder princess.

Whether or not Madam Di would make mischief behind them, following Madam Di to attend parties, by borrowing the fame of Duke Yong's Mansion, would make her become inferior to Madam Di in nature. In the future, if troublesome things happened between Qin's Mansion and Madam Di or Duke Yong's Mansion, Qin's Mansion would only have to compromise again and again, and even become coerced by Duke Yong's Mansion.

In her previous life, Shui Ruolan had endured a premature birth because of Madam Di's secret evil actions, and two lives were lost in the end. The case was investigated and finally had a crystal-clear result was found. But after Duke Yong's Mansion and Duke Xing's Mansion put pressure on the case, the case finally ended up with nothing definite. Shui Ruolan died without due justice.

The reason was that Qin's Mansion didn't think it should lose the support and help of Duke Yong's Mansion. But this time, she had to protect Shui Ruolan, ensuring her safe childbirth.

She would not allow Madam Di to murder the mother and her child anymore!

Out of this concern, she would need to build up relations with Duke Yong's Mansion as soon as she arrived in the capital, and would never work as the one that relied on Duke Yong's Mansion when she joined the circle of the noble families.

Rui'an great elder princess had pointed out the shortcut that directly led to the female circle of the noble families. How couldn't she be thankful?

Even in her previous life, she also owed Rui'an great elder princess her gratitude.

When Shui Ruolan reached the top heavily panting, Qin Wanru had been resting for a while. After she exercised her feet several times and asked Yujie to massage them through her shoes, she didn't feel that they were in that much pain anymore. Her ankles might have only been lightly sprained, and that was nothing serious. They almost recovered after being massaged with the help of the medicinal liquor.

"Wanru, why did you climb so quickly!" Shui Ruolan, who was resting on the stone stool, spoke as she wiped off her sweat with her handkerchief. Yujie had already come over and poured her a cup of tea.

The tea on the table had been warmed, and it was at the most suitable state for drinking. Shui Ruolan drank more than half a cup and gradually recovered.

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