Chapter 43 A letter, The Best Chip

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“Miss, the Young Lady is too outrageous. It is obviously her own business, but she just viciously blamed you for everything, and Qing Cui, she is also on her side!” Qing Yue was also angry and said, “Miss, let’s go tell the general and the Old Grandma.”

“It’s useless!” Qin Wanru smirked and smiled softly. She then folded the letter. “This letter was not written by Qin Yuru, since her hand is now hurt.”

Qin Yuru couldn’t write it at all, because her right hand was injured.

“Not written by her, who would write it?” Qing Cui was stunned and said with surprise.

“It should be Mrs. Qin, who could only tell so many details.” Qin Wanru said it calmly since she knew that it letter with so many details could not be written by the injured hand of Qin Yuru.

“How can Madam write such a letter.” Qing Yue’s face turned red because of shame. If she was not mistaken, the beginning part sounded like it was written by the Young Lady, and it sounded very intimate with the man in the letter. As an elder, how could she write such shameful words?”

“She didn’t need to be ashamed since nobody found out, and Qin Yuru would admit that she wrote it,” Qin Wanru sneered, and put down the letter, took a sip of the tea at her, then looked quietly on the water. “if you take this letter to my father, nobody can do anthing to Qin Yuru as long as she didn’t admit it was written by her.”

“We can say it was written by the Madam.” Qing Yue said hurriedly.

“The font written by the Madam is also slightly different from the previous ones. It was written with the most formal writing method. Even if you say that she wrote it, she can just deny!” Qin Wanru said with a cold voice.

Qin Wanru sat in the window by her slim body with coldness and contempt, “If it is so easy to make Madam confess her guilty, there would not be so many ghosts that died from no reason.”

Her words were extremely merciless. It was terrifiying for such a weak girl to talk about things happened in the backyard with such a disobedient and cold tone.

“Then··· what to do?” Qing Yue stammered and said.

“Send out the rumor that someone had found a letter.” Qin Wanru said peacefully with a smile. The oblique sun outside the window came in, which made her face half bright and half dark.

Qin Wanru right now looked surprisingly different to people at her age. Her dark eyes hid under her long eyelashes, which looked innocent and weak, as well as the charm that other girls didn’t have. Her current appearance made Qing Yue inexplainably terrified, and she could’t help swallowed her spit.

The Miss in front of her was still the Miss of her own, but she seemed to have changed a lot, not the face, but the personalities, which made Qing Yue feel safe in danger.

Her own lady had really changed, which made Qing Yue feel at ease. There were too many things happening in these days, each of which was targetted to Miss to make her die. If she was still the one she was, Qing Yue didn’t know what could happened to her at a time like this.

It was the law of the jungle. How could she fall behind as a servant since her master was being so strong.

“Yes, Miss, I’ll leak it later as if I did it on accident.” Qing Yue nodded with confirmation that she would and could protect her own master.

“It’s still early. Talk it out at night, and don’t let others find out. Come on, let’s go to see Aunt Shui right now.” Qin Wanru nodded and stood up. She then hid the letter in her sleeve and she had to bring it to Shui Ruolan, since it was a good chip to bargin.

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