Chapter 69-70

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Chapter 69 There Was No Natural Mother in General’s Mansion

She was popular because she had an extraordinary temperament at a young age.

“Xiaowan, go to talk with Second Miss Qin. I have something to talk with Miss Shui.” Mrs. Xin turned back and gently told her daughter.

Luo Xiaowan bit her lip, raised her head and carefully looked at Qin Wanru. Her eyes were still red because she had been crying.

Seeing that Qin Wanru, who was much younger than herself, looked at her with her big black eyes, she was a little shy, took a handkerchief to wipe her tears. She walked over and said, “Second Miss Qin, please follow me!”

Actually, she was very embarrassed. She did not want to entertain any guest because she just cried. Moreover, the guest was a younger lady than herself. She had witnessed everything herself. When things went wrong, she only cried. However, Second Miss Qin dealt with it calmly. Therefore, she admired Qin Wanru.

Meanwhile, she felt more and more embarrassed. She played her handkerchief a few times. She took Qin Wanru into a wing-room, called people to serve tea and snacks.

She was a little less scary because of Qin Wanru’s composure.

“How old are you?” They sat at the table. Luo Xiaowan looked at her up and down, whispering curiously.

“Miss Luo, I’m eleven years old.” Qin Wanru blinked and replied. Inexplicably, she was also very fond of this gentle Miss Luo. It could be seen that Luo Xiaowan was really gentle, not like Madam Di and Qin Yuru.

“You’re eleven years old, but you look a little bit younger! I thought you were at most ten years old.” Luo Xiaowan also calmed down, covered her lips with a handkerchief, and chuckled.

Qin Wanru was really thinner and smaller than her peers. Fortunately, when she grew up, she was not short.

“Miss Luo, how old are you?” Qin Wanru smiled and asked curiously.

“I’m thirteen years old!” Luo Xiaowan twisted her handkerchief again, quite embarrassed. “I’m older than you but I can’t compare with you. I’m scared to cry!”

Although she blushed with shame, Luo Xiaowan was very straightforward.

“Miss Luo is protected by Mrs. Xin, she will help you. Moreover, you have never encountered such a thing. In fact, if this person ran to my window, I’ll cry with fear too.”

Seeing Luo Xiaowan’s embarrassment, Qin Wan said with a smile.

These words could be regarded as self-exposure. They looked at each other and could not help but laugh. The friendship between girls was sometimes very simple.

They felt the same way about each other due to a sentence or an action.

Luo Xiaowan was not so cautious. Thinking that she was older, she was not that embarrassed. “My name is Xiaowan, you can call me Sister Xiaowan. What’s your name?”

“Sister Xiaowan, my name is Wanru.” Qin Wanru said briskly. She was very fond of this really gentle Luo Xiaowan.

“Then I call you sister Wanru! We have the same character in our name, so we’re destined together.” Luo Xiaowan laughed.

“We’re really predestined!” Qin Wanru also laughed. They had never seen each other in the last life. However, they met in Jiangzhou in this life. Her rebirth had changed many things.

This also made Qin Wanru more confident in her future.

She must be able to reverse the ending.

“Sister Wanru, is the general’s wife not your biological mother? Who is your biological mother?” Luo Xiaowan asked in astonishment.

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