Chapter 22 Looking For an Escape

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A few men looking to be ruffians forced their way into the room where Qin Yuru and Qi Tianyi were.

Qin Yuru’s personal maid and Qi Tianyi’s sidekick who were not fast to react were cramped behind the door and cried out in pain. The commotion had attracted much attention from outside and people started crowding into the room to see what was happening.

When the people who entered the room locked eyes with those inside the room, they were both stunned.

Qin Yuru seemed to have awakened from a dream. She pushed Qi Tianyu away in a hurry and turned away from the eyes of all the people.

“Where are these people from? Throw them out immediately!” bellowed Qi Tianyu, dismayed. He meant these words for the ruffians who barged in.

“Isn’t … this the First Young Master of the Qi Family? How does he still find the mood to secretly meet with a girl?” someone exclaimed in surprise. Qi Tianyu was well-known among the people of Jiangzhou.

What a magnanimous person Qi Tianyu must be, who was able to overlook the humiliation he endured at the hands of the Qin Family. He even had the mood to secretly meet another girl after such a short time!

“That’s … that’s the eldest daughter of the Ningyuan Army General!” Someone exclaimed when he recognized that the girl was none other than Qin Yuru, even though she tried to shy away quickly.

These two statements of exclamation had stirred up a great commotion among the spectators immediately.

Everyone in town was still talking over this broken marriage between the two families since it happened not long ago. What the people witnessed at this moment was astonishing. Who would expect this two unmarried couple to be embracing each other? What had happened?

The ruffians who fell onto the floor a moment ago were trying scrambling to get onto their feet. They were as curious as the rest of the people.

“We heard that the eldest daughter of the general had been unfaithful to the First Young Master of the Qi Family, and was even pregnant. Did she just realize that her baby belonged to him?” one of the ruffians said as he opened his eyes wide to stare at Qi Tianyu and Qi Yuru, who was turned away from the crowd.

“This… is possible!” someone from the crowd joked.

“Whose baby is this then?” yet another questioned while he looked at Qin Wanru’s stomach.

As the comments went on, they turned more and more absurd

At this moment, Qin Yuru was so ashamed that she wished she were dead.

“This is outrageous!” Qi Tianyu’s face turned pale as he bellowed. He turned to his sidekick and shouted an order for him to shut the door.

Qin Yuru’s personal maid as well as Qi Tianyu’s sidekick who almost fainted from being knocked down by the door, worked together to push the door shut. However, more and more people were pushing into the room to see what was happening, it was impossible for them to shut the door.

Qin Wanru panicked. She suddenly spied her curtained hat lying on the floor next to and frantically put it on her head. Turning to Mei Xue, her personal maid, she said, “Let’s go!”

“Give way! Do you all want to be prosecuted tomorrow at the court for spreading rumors?” scolded Qin Tianyu as he stomped out, pushing the people outside the door to make way for himself.

Seeing that Qi Tianyu was provoked to anger, the few ruffians by the door did not dare to push their luck but made way for Qi Tianyu to pass. On the other hand, Qin Yuru held on to Mei Xue as they hurried off through the narrow path opened up for Qi Tianyu.

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