Chapter 23 The Weak in Health Had To Sleep Early

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Qin Wanru’s lips had always been bright-red in color and it was precisely why her grandmother had given her the nickname Zhuozhuo, which means ‘burning’! A part of memory was gone, but she could vaguely make out that it was because of her bright-red lips which resulted in her being charged with a crime. People treated her with contempt because of them and the circumstance she was under turned for the worst.

Nevertheless, she was unable to remember the concrete details. All she could remember was that all the people around were scornful.

“Why? Could it be some secret recipe that you can’t reveal to me?” Chu Liuchen teased as he saw her face drained of colors and he reached out his hand to pinch her cheek.

He was a little too rough and Qin Wanru was tearing up from the pain. While keeping her eyes on him, she lifted her hand to grab his hand that was pinching her. The pain had made her forget about the painful memory deep in her mind.

However, Chu Liuchen had retracted his hand before Qin Wanru even touched it and he started to laugh hysterically when Qin Wanru missed grabbing on to his hand.

The outrageous mockery of this handsome young man made her so angry!

Qin Wanru eyes were welling up with tears as she trained her eyes on him. Covering her cheek with her hands, she was sure it was going to swell up soon.

“Forget it, I shall not be so calculating as to hold you responsible. I will borrow this medical book from you to have a look. How about you accompany me to go around Jiangzhou in a few days. I haven’t visited Jiangzhou before this!” Chu Liuchen finally stopped laughing and stared at the pitiful-looking girl for a moment, before he grabbed the medical book which Qin Wanru left on the table.

“Open the door, I’m leaving!”

“Open the door?” Qin Wanru asked in shock as she held on to her painful cheeks and continued, “Does Prince Chen intent to leave through the front door?”

“Otherwise what do you think? Do you intend to let me out through the window? You know I’m not in good health right!” said Chu Liuchen, as he let out a cough and put his hand to his chest.

“How did you come in in the first place?” asked Qin Wanru, with widened eyes as, then she looked out of the window.

“There were two guards who accompanied me here just now. But I asked them to leave once I entered the room!” Chu Liuchen answered cheekily and he stole a sideways glance at her and tapped the table with the medical book.

“What do you want me to do so you would leave through the window?” said Qin Wanru while choking back tears and biting her lips.

“If you want to me leave through window, easy, leave the seal in my care for now. If I’m happy with my tour around Jiangzhou, I will give the seal back to you, otherwise…” said Chu Liuchen as he smiled a cunning smile. Seeing how this was making Qin Wanru fret, he thought it was exactly how he had anticipated.

“Yes, I will be happy to bring your round to see the place, as long as it makes you happy,” said Qin Wanru, gritting her teeth, while in her mind, she thought Prince Chen was truly a fussy person who was so hard to please.

“Are you sure this is enough?” said Chu Liuchen as his face fell in displeasure. There was even a hint of malice in his expression.

Qin Wanru was immediately alarmed by his change of expression. She wondered what was going through the mind of this temperamental, devious prince. She quickly responded with care, saying, “What do you think? I will go along with your instructions!”

Since she was in need of his help, she had to lower herself to meet all his demands. She could not think of other excuses to turn down his requests.

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