Chapter 178-180

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Chapter 178 He Had Grabbed a Young Prostitute in the Brothel with Someone

The girl servant looked shocked and horrified. Her face went pale, and her whole person began shivering. However, she dared not to move her feet anymore!

“Tell me. Who are you looking for in our mansion?” Nanny Zhou snorted and said, “If it is not a big deal, we will not pursue this matter further!”

“I am looking for… the childe!” The girl servant bowed her head and said hesitantly.

“The childe? Is it the childe of Duke Yong’s Mansion?” Nanny Zhou went blank for a while and widened her eyes greatly. She stared steadily at the girl servant in front of her because the only childe now lived in Qin’s Mansion was Di Yan, who lived here temporarily!

“Yes… I am looking for Childe Di!” The girl servant appeared even more timid with some panic.

“Who is your master in Duke Yong’s Mansion? Why are you coming to look for Childe Di at this time?” Once again, Nanny Zhou eyed the girl servant from head to toe, and her face turned gloomy and cold. What was more, the clothes she wore did not seem to belong to Duke Yong’s Mansion.

“I… My master is not a person of Duke Yong’s Mansion!” The girl servant had no choice but to reveal Nanny Zhou something. However, she dared not to escape. Therefore, she had to explain in a panic. “My master is the elder female cousin of Childe Di. She is… She really has something to look for Childe Di!”

the mansion with ease.

“Is your Miss the niece of Countess Yong?” Nanny Zhou continued to ask.

“About this question, you can go to ask Childe Di!” The girl servant felt really panic at this time. After looking cautiously to the left and the right, she forced a smile. “Nanny, I have to go back to serve Countess Yong. So I will go back first!”

The girl servant was smart. At this time, she knew that the Nanny before her could never let her meet Di Yan. “I might as well find a solution next time. Since Childe Di went to live in Qin’s Mansion, my Miss has been haunted with fear, especially when she heard someone in Duke Yong’s Mansion say that Childe Di was going to marry his younger female cousin in Qin’s Mansion.”

As a matter of fact, the girl servant had been waiting by the gate outside the mansion for a few days. She hoped that Di Yan would see her when he came out of the mansion. However, those people in the mansion went in and out from time to time, but none of them was Childe Di’s servant. In the past, Childe Di did not look like a person who could stay in the mansion for such a long time. He went out of the mansion every day. But now, he became so well-behaved when he was in Qin’s Mansion, which made her Miss more restless.

It indeed surprised the girl servant that she could come in today. Originally, she went round and round outside of the mansion in anxious. But then, she heard someone who walked by saying that servants from Duke Yong’s Mansion usually came in and went out of Qin’s Mansion. The person joked, “People from Duke Yong’s Mansion take Qin’s Mansion as their own mansion. Even the servants can come in and go out of Qin’s Mansion as long as they say that they are from Duke Yong’s Mansion to the people who guard the gate.”

became sharp, and the smile on her face disappeared instantly.

“No… No, no. Of course, I told you the truth. Then, let’s go back together!” The girl servant thought about it and agreed while biting her teeth. “It should be no difficulty for me to find an excuse to sneak away after we enter the mansion. The old maid before me doesn’t know who I am, but the people in Duke Yong’s Mansion will recognize me.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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