Chapter 151 - 155

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Chapter 151 - Four Princes

Qin Wanru knew it was the time now so she said to the boy, "Hao'er, do you want to protect and stay with your maternal granny? You could hold her when she falls down. She is old now. It would be very sad that nobody would be with her."

Shao Yuanhao thought for a while, then nodded vigorously and said, "I want to be with my maternal granny, forever!"

"There are so many people being with granny but nobody is with maternal granny. How pitiful she is!"

Hao'er raised his tearful eyes, looked at Rui'an Great Elder Princess at the main table, and gradually felt that she was so pitiful because everyone stayed away from her and didn't play with her.

"No, I must stay with my granny and not let anyone bully her!"

Thinking for a while, Shao Yuanhao climbed down the chair and ran to Rui'an Great Elder Princess. Before he rushed up to her, he shouted, "Granny! I want to be with you! I want to always be with you! I would never go back!"

Rui'an Great Elder Princess was puzzled first and didn't understand his meaning until he ran to hug her. Thinking about his words, she held him and was moved to tears.

She tried in vain to let him stay here!

She could ask the Mansion of Duke Xing to give her this boy but she was unwilling to see him cry and shout. She couldn't figure out that what people of the Mansion of Duke Xing had told this boy because every time he came, he was very anxious to go home, seeming that he didn't want to stay in her mansion at all.

However, actually Rui'an Great Elder Princess didn't believe the Mansion of Duke Xing. She had always doubted that the cause of death of her son-in-law was related to Duke Xing but she had no evidence.

He was her only grandchild. She did want to raise him herself and was unwilling to let him stay in the Mansion of Duke Xing!

But she couldn't own him if the boy was unwilling. After all, his family name was Shao.

Now this child asked for staying with her, which made Rui'an Great Elder Princess so moved and excited. She kept saying "okay", reached out and patted Shao Yuanhao's head. She raised her head and looked at Qin Wanru. Her smile was brighter and kinder.

She was very clear that her grandchild would not say so without any special reason. She didn't expect that this boy would be so congenial to Qin Wanru and now she also liked Qin Wanru very much.

After Shao Yuanhao gave a hug to Rui'an Great Elder Princess, he wriggled and left Rui'an Great Elder Princess. He then ran to Qin Wanru, sat beside her and ate his foods.

The young woman behind her seemed to belong to the Mansion of Princess. It seemed that what happened today caused alarm and attention to Rui'an Great Elder Princess so she let people follow Shao Yuanhao again.

Many people knew Shao Yuanhao. When they saw Shao Yuanhao sitting beside Qin Wanru affectionately and Rui'an Great Elder Princess looking at Qin Wanru very gently, they began to ask who she was.

Then they knew Qin Wanru was the second daughter of the new General Qin from Jiangzhou and the other woman next to her was the second wife of General Qin. They had known that his official wife was Madam Di from Duke Yong's Mansion, whom everybody was familiar with.

Then a series of accidents just happened. It seemed that people from Duke Yong's Mansion were to plot against Qin Wanru and Rui'an Great Elder Princess kicked them off!

It seemed that the ringleader was Duke Yong's Mansion.

Things between the official wife and the second wife were Qin's Mansion's business. If Duke Yong's Mansion really did this, then they were not only hateful but also heinous. Someone even said that Madam Di's natural daughter, Young Lady Qin, tried to worsen her little sister's reputation in the dark.

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