Chapter 75 Dead Knot, Unstoppable Before Death

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Unstoppable Before Death

“Why did you come back again?” The lad sounded lazy and tired, which really matched his current condition.

“There was someone on the path!” Qin Wanru didn’t wonder why Chu Liuchen knew the person who was rubbing his head got changed, and she said unhappily.

“People from Magistrate Qi Mansion?” Chu Liuchen smiled suddenly, and he put Qin Wanru’s little hand to another place for a massage.

“I don’t want to meet Young Lady Qi!” Qin Wanru’s slender eyebrows frowned unconsciously as she didn’t want to see Qi Rongzhi at this moment, especially when Qi Rongzhi looked so arrogant and aggressive, taking a bunch of girl servants and wives.

She blocked her way back to Jingxin Monastery.

Qing Yue had a sharp observation, and she saw a massive crowd of people far away. In this case, Qin Wanru was able to hide early again.

“I heard that this Young Lady Qi and the Young Lady on your mansion are two big jokes in Jiangzhou, both of them have a terrible reputation. It’s better for you to stay away from them! Remember, plays with people with a good reputation, and of course, those people are not the best for sure, but you can only live long if you are sophisticated enough.”

Chu Liuchen said randomly.

His words sounded reasonable, which made Qin Wanru fell into silence for a while.

“You should learn from your failure. Not all of the consequences should be resolved by impulse.” Chu Liuchen was in a good mood, which made his beautiful face showed smile, and it was rarely seen that he neither bullied Qin Wanru nor made her embarrassed and drove her out.

Qin Wanru, who initially thought it would be hard to make him accept her for a while, looked at him with surprise.

“What, you think what I said was wrong?” Chu Liuchen raised his eyebrows.

“How come, everything you said is right?” Qin Wanru laughed in a fake way. She didn’t want to meet Qi Rongzhi now so that she couldn’t offend this Prince Chen.

“You sincerely thought I was right?” Chu Liuchen opened and lifted his eyes all of a sudden, and his black eyes were pure and beautiful like clear spring water. He seemed to be harmless to everyone!

“Of course I think you’re right!” Qin Wanru had to stay sober, as she wouldn’t believe that this Prince Chen could be so harmless.

He was really malicious!

Now she was sitting on a stool, giving a massage to Chu Liuchen’s forehead. The moment he opened his eyes, they had an intimate eye contact which allowed Qin Wanru to see his long and curl eyelashes trembling clearly. Like any normal beautiful young lads, he also had a warm smile which could drown any young girls he met.

However, Qin Wanru believed his gentle and harmless look was only in the surface.

Fluttering her long eyelashes, she shunned away from the eye contact, “do you still feel a headache?”

She felt her hands very sore.

“Still feeling headache!” The gentle expression on this beautiful lad disappeared, and a harmless look dominated his face. Staring at her extremely poorly, he showed his shallow color lips, which made people feel sorry for him. At this moment, she had to swallow the words she just said.

“Childe, I have another issue to handle. I want to leave!” Qin Wanru thought for a few seconds and changed her statement.

“I’m not useful to you right now, so you want to leave?” A smile climbed to the corner of Chu Liuchen’s lips which washed away his sickness on his face, and now a gentle and elegant beautiful lad was reborn. If sarcasm eluded his eyes, he could be much more gentle and graceful.

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