Chapter 59 The So-called "Kind-hearted" Eldest Miss Qin

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“You…” stammered Qin Yuru, tightening her grip on her teacup.

“If there’s nothing, Elder Sister, I’ll make a move first. It’s Aunt Shui’s turn to rest. Grandma’s health is deteriorating. If I’m not by her side, Aunt Shui would have to keep an eye on her. Aunt Shui had lost so much weight in the past few days, taking care of Grandma!” said Qin Wanru, shaking the dust of her sleeves and she got up to leave.

Qin Yuru’s face turned ashen. Fortunately, she was hanging on to the last thread of rationality in her, otherwise, she would have hurled the teacup at Qin Wanru’s face.

How dare this debased lass tried to imply that Qin Yuru had not been taking care of the sickly grandmother, claiming that only Qin Wanru herself and Shui Ruolan were the only the ones doing it.

“Elder Sister, I don’t time to be idle, please excuse me!” Qin Wanru said, turning to leave before Qin Wanru could explain herself and Qing Yue quickly followed her.

Although chrysanthemum was a common flower, only the chrysanthemum tea given by Qi Tianyu was able to give off such a subtle fragrance. Moreover, this chrysanthemum was fresh. Qin Yuru had not even added these new flowers a few days ago when she was drinking tea.

Coupled with Qin Yuru’s pretentious way of acting, Qin Wanru could tell that there was someone behind the rockery, and this person had to be Qi Tianyu!

By the time Qin Yuru grasped the situation, it was even too late for her to call out to Qin Wanru to stop her. She could only stare at Qin Wanru’s back with eyes filled with hatred.

She hesitated for a while and leaned on the rockery. From the surface, it looked like she was just holding to her tea, thinking some deep thoughts.

In fact, she was blocking her mouth with the teacup in her handing, whispering to someone.

“Elder Brother Tianyu, see, I told you Qin Wanru was siding with Aunt Shui. Anytime Aunt Shui has Qin Wanru behind her back. Qin Wanru seemed had totally forgotten that it was Mother who raised her.”

“Has sister Wanru turned out to be this kind of person?” said Qi Tianyu from behind the rockery, sounding a little doubtful and heartbroken. “What has become of her!”

“I don’t know either. Perhaps Aunt Shui had said something to her. She is still a child after all, and wouldn’t know how to judge for herself!” said Qin Yuru, her face looking as if she was saddened. She had to pretend to look like a good sister!

Qi Tianyu who was behind the rockery became quiet.

“Do you not believe what I say, Brother Tianyu?” asked Qin Yuru with tears in her eyes. She turned around slowly and look towards the rockery. She could vaguely see Qi Tianyu, clothed in a white coat, from this angle and was sure that he could see her too.

Qin Yuru had initially thought that by saying some specious words to Qin Wanru would make Qi Tianyu believe her story about Shui Ruolan, regardless of whether Qin Wanru understood her message. She would not imagine that Qin Wanru was so upfront with her comments and this had totally messed up her plan.

Fortunately, given her influence on Qi Tianyu, she was confident that the situation could be salvaged.

A light flashed across the eyes of Qi Tianyu, who was behind the rockery. He seemed to be hesitant. He had clearly heard the content of the conversation between the two sisters.

“Brother Tianyu, my younger sister was spouting nonsense, will you doubt my words just because of that? I… I was still hoping we could be together… I’ve convinced Mother about it, but even Mother was in a sticky situation herself! If Aunt Shui really marries Father, I… I don’t know what would happen!”

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