Chapter 32 Old Grandma Suddenly Fell Ill

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In the previous life, Mrs. Qin had always portrayed herself as Qin Wanru’s biological mother, therefore she was deemed to have done everything for her out of good intention. To Qin Wanru, Mrs. Qin was perhaps just showing favoritism, but would never harbor any evil intention towards her.

Mrs. Qin’s repeated attempts to set Qin Wanru up secretly was explained away precisely by this reason.

It was later on that she eventually found out that she was not Mrs. Qin’s own daughter. Mrs. Qin was only using her as part of her scheme to achieve her goal.

After Qin Wanru was reborn into this life, the first thing she wanted to do was to remove the mask of hypocrisy from Mrs. Qin to expose her, so she could put a stop to her shameless claim that she was Qin Wanru’s birth mother.

“Are you truly unwilling to treat Wanru as your own daughter, my dear daughter-in-law?” pressed Old Grandma, giving Mrs. Qin a severe look, as she embraced Qin Wanru’s slim body with a pained expression. Old Grandma was utterly disappointed with Mrs. Qin at this moment.

“It’s not that, Mother, I yearned to treat Wanru as my own daughter, but I really have no control over Miss Qi… Although we do indeed have some conflicts in the past, it was all matters regarding the children. I didn’t think they were a big deal. Little did I expect that Wanru would think otherwise. Mother, I… I really did not expect things to turn out this way!”

Mrs. Qin took out her handkerchief to start wiping away hers tears pitifully as she tried to explain herself.

Qin Wanru, who was in Old Grandma’s arms, stopped crying when she heard the words that it was matters regarding the children and a look of hatred flashed across her eyes. In the previous life, she was misunderstood for this same reason and was time and again attacked by Qin Rongzhi’s vicious accusations.

“You may excuse yourself from meddling with this child’s matters from now on. I will be in charge now!” Old Grandma said coldly.

“… But you’re getting old, Mother, you shouldn’t be burdening yourself with the children’s matters. If other people realized that you are still burdened with the matters of the children, how could I be at ease? How am I going to face up to people?”

There was no way Mrs. Qin would let Qin Wanru escape her control. She anxiously tried to stop the Old Grandma from taking over Wanru from her.

“You couldn’t care less about other people’s children, is this what you think you can brag about?” unmoved, Old Grandma questioned her back.

This made Mrs. Qin blush with embarrassment. She had not shown her much motherly concern in the past in front of others.

“Go back and settle the issue regarding Miss Qi. Do what you need. Although we are not totally free from blame, there was no need for us to lower ourselves in front of the daughter of the magistrate and put the life of your daughter at risk,” Old Grandma said, putting down her feet. She then stood up, grabbed Qin Wanru’s hand and led her out of the room.

Qin Wanru quickly held on to Old Grandma and tangled their arms together.

“Mother, I… ” Mrs. Qin blurted out in panic and stretched out her to hold Old Grandma. Nanny Duan took two steps towards Old Grandma to hold on to her instead, at the same time, blocking and pushing her away. Mrs. Qin’s arm dropped awkwardly back to her side and touched the little fragrant pouch she was carrying. A sense of familiarity came to her as she had always brought this fragrant pouch with her annually at this time of the year.

Qin Wanru casually glanced at the pouch but was not especially taken in by it.

“I would like you to stop meddling with matters concerning Wanru in the future. Return me all her belongings so I can keep them with me. Also, I will in charge of her marriage, so you don’t interfere with it in the future!” Old Grandma stopped in her tracks, gave Mrs. Qin a cold look which showed her utter disappointment in her daughter-in-law.

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