Chapter 29 Both Scheme, Irritate and Provoke

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Qin Wanru was running, running hard, but she could not find a way, and she was lost!

It was bottomless darkness in front of her, and some people were chasing behind her with heavy breathing, as if there was a knife behind her. But she just couldn’t see the direction and she didn’t know where to escape.

Someone was calling her. It seemed to be very far when she first heard it, but it seemed to be right to the ear when she heard it again. She wanted to run over as if the sound gave her guidance, but she heard the screams of others before she had time to run over, she subconsciously turned back and saw nothing but blood···

“Ah!” She screamed and sat up.

“Young Madam, what happened to you, did you have a nightmare again?” Qing Yue rushed over, and saw Qin Wanru’s pale and sweaty face while picking up the gauze. Her face was pure white like snow, but the lips were bright red, and some black hair were dripped with sweat on her cheek. Even if she was young, she still looked charming and unparalleled.

Every time she slept, Qin Wanru would have a nightmare. Even if it was just a nap in the afternoon, she was still awakened by nightmares.

“I want to drink water!” Qin Wanru reached out to touch her forehead and said with a dumb voice. She slightly frowned. Was that dream real? She felt like it was true, because there was something she had forgotten when she was reborn, which had been repeating in her dreams.

“Young Madam, here is some warm water!” Qing Yue quickly went to fetch the water from the table, and passed it to Qin Wanru after testing the temperature.

Qin Wanru drank a little, and slowly woke from the nightmare. “Has Qi Rongzhi come?”

It was now the afternoon. Since Mrs. Qin had told father, then she would not let her wait for such a long time.

“She wasn’t here for so long. It was said that she was not persuading your sister in her yard and said that First Young Master of the Qi Family had forgiven her. She also asked people to bring gift!” Qing Yue said. When Miss Qi came over, she made a huge noise, which had startled everyone in the mansion, and now everyone was talking about what a generous person the First Young Master of the Qi Family was.

“Help me to dress up!” Qin Wanru calmed herself and moved the quilt, getting off the bed.

Qing Yue answered and went out to prepare for the bath water. Seeing that the Young Madam sweated so much, the simple grooming was certainly not enough.

After Qin Wanru taking a shower and sitting in front of the dressing table, Qing Yue said while helping her dry her hair, “Young Madam, Madam had sent someone to ask if you were awake when you were taking a shower, she asked you to accompany Miss Qi if you woke up.”

“Did you say that I was taking the shower?” Looking at herself in the mirror, Qin Wanru asked.

“I did, but Madam still urged you to hurry up,” Qing Yue indignantly said, “there is nothing good every time Miss Qi came over, and you almost fell from the attic last time. She always thinks about to hurt you and had beat you for several times, but Madam and your sister just didn’t care about it.”

Qin Wanru was silent, and there was hatred in her eyes. She was so stupid in the last life that she always believed in what Qin Yuru and Mrs. Qin said and believed that Qi Rongzhi was not intentional.

She remembered that once Qi Rongzhi made her fall into the lotus pond, so that she had a cold illness after that, which made herself to be loathed by others when she was in discussion of marriage with people.

Of course, the rumor that she might not be able to have children because of the illness was released deliberately by Mrs. Qin.

Mrs. Qin clearly knew that Qi Rongzhi did not like herself and had trouble in getting along with her, she still deliberately invited this Miss Qi to come back. The purpose was self-evident.

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