Chapter 31 You Are Not My Biological Mother!

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The Old Grandma stood outside the crowd with Nanny Duan, looking at the crowd around her while frowning, then slowly walked over and asked. “What happened?”

“Old Grandma, everyone in your house is bullying me!”Qi Rongzhi immediately cried when she saw Madam coming over. She was not afraid of Mrs. Qin, but she was afraid of the Madam.

“Falling into the pond? Come on, why don’t you take Miss Qi to change clothes, why are you still crying here?” The Old Grandma had never liked Qi Rongzhi and looked indifferent when seeing her crying.

Under such situation, she should change her clothes first then talk about it.

Nanny Duan then asked someone to hold Qi Rongzhi to change clothes. She also felt cold and knew that it would bad for her if she continued to do so, this she got up quietly and was taken away with tears falling down from her face.

“You all come here!” The Old Grandma looked at Mrs. Qin coldly and walked towards the pavilion after finished her words.

Mrs. Qin then hurriedly followed.

Qin Yuru and Qin Wanyan also followed to the pavilion. Nanny Duan then asked other irrelevant people to stay away.

“What exactly happened?” The Old Grandma sat on the stool made of stone and said while looking indifferently at Mrs. Qin.

“Mother, I don’t know about it. People said it was because of Wanru since Miss Qi was already in the water when we were here.” Mrs. Qin said with confusion, but trying to lead it to Qin Wanru.

“What does it to do with Zhuozhuo, I heard that she was the last one to be there, and Yuru was slapped by Miss Qi and couldn’t even speak for herself, what’s going on?” The Madam stared at Mrs. Qin and said.

“I••• I really don’t know, I came late•••” Mrs. Qin was a little panicked. She didn’t expect that the Old Grandma had already knew about it before she was there. So it was somewhat far-fetched to blame it on Qin Wanru again this time.

Mrs. Qin secretly bite her teeth because she was going to deal with Qin Wanru with Qi Rongzhi. It was out of her expectation that Qi Rongzhi would attack her and Yuru like a crazy dog.

“Grandma, I don’t know why Miss Qi hit me, obviously she was looking for my sister.” Qin Yuru helped Mrs. Qin since she saw Mrs. Qin was speechless after being interrogated.

“You don’t know? Is this backyard not managed by you? It has been a while since the thing happened, you still don’t know about it, do you usually manage things like this?” The Old Grandma ignored Qin Yuru’s crying and still asked Mrs. Qin while staring at her.

“Mother, I•••” Mrs. Qin was asked to be panicked, she then rolled her eyes and shirked, “Thought I was there late, I still know about what basically happened. I just didn’t check into it. So I dare not to talk about it casually since I don’t know if it was right or wrong!”

“Why did Miss Qi come here?” The Old Grandma ignored her words and asked with her eyes squinted.

“She••• she said she was here to have fun with Wanru.” Mrs. Qin suddenly said since she just admitted that she basically knew what had happened.

“She could find Wanru in her yard, why was she there?” Old Grandma kept asking.

“She heard that Wanru was there in the garden, so she followed.” Mrs. Qin sorted out her sentence and said carefully.

Qin Wanru squinted to hide the coldness in her eyes, and stood quietly aside to listen to Mrs. Qin’s answer. Like herself, Old Grandma had never liked Qi Rongzhi.

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