10 : Poisoned blade - Phedora

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Two years had passed since Phedora got claimed . Now she was seventeen . She kept denying that she could be the child of the Prophecy , but none of the other demigods got claimed by Zeus . She did not tell the High Priest about anything . Phedora did not want to get everyone some fake hopes . She does not want to fulfill the prophecy either . How can she banish every titan to Tartarus ? She does not even know how to use her powers corectly .
It must all just a cruel joke , she kept telling herself It has to be .
Charis has not said any word to anyone either . Her behavior changed a lot . She acted as if Phedora was a little child that needs to be protected at all costs . Everwhere she went , Charis was at her back .
"I can protect myself ! I do not need a guard everywhere I go , alright ?" Phedora kept telling Charis "I am not some little troblemaker kid"
"If you die , there is no other way we could finnaly escape the Titans' tyranny . Please , accept my help untill we find a solution on how to banish the Titans" Charis always responded .
But what if you die while saving me ? Phedora thought but never said .
She did not want to lose her only friend .
All that Phedora wanted was to just return to what it was . Just a demigod without a care in the world waiting for a salvation like anyone else . She never wanted to be that salvation everyone waited for .
She tried to ignore the prophecy and live her life like always , but she kept having the same terrifying nightmare every night after she got claimed .

Phedora was running through a dark maze . The floor was stained with dried blood . Phedora could ocasionally step on a bone , crunching it under her foot . Every corridor she chose had a dead end . She started panicking but continued running . The loud screams of people were echoing everywhere . Sometimes she could see prison cells that had inside a skeleton or a corpse . Some whispers is her head kept repeating "Find the vault" . She knew pretty well which vault they talked about .
She kept running untill she finnaly saw a big door the size of the wall . It was made from obsidian and an altar stood right in front of it . It was stained with blood . An inscription was wroten on the side of it in greek : "Χρειάζεται μια θυσία για να ανακαλύψετε τα μυστικά πίσω από την πόρτα" .
"A sacrifice is needed to discover the secrets behind the door"
Phedora backed up from the altar . The corridor she came from dissapeared . She bumped into a wall .
The screams dissapeared along with the whispers in Phedora's head . She had no other choice but to open the massive door .
She felt something in her pocket . It was a celestial bronze dagger with a dark leather hilt . Phedora knows her weapons too well to know that it wasn't her dagger . It had a strange green glow . She approached the altar . The dragger was trembling in her hand as she made a cut on her palm . Crimson blood dripped on the altar . The ground started shaking as the obsidian door opened . Phedora stared in awe at it . She walked to the entrance .
A pain ached in her hand . She looked at her palm to see the cut becoming a dark green . A poisonous dark green . After some seconds her whole hand became a sick green shade . A stinging pain was aching all over it . The green shade started getting on her neck and shoulders .
Phedora saw a pitch black in front of her eyes and felt herself collapsing on the floor .

Phedora jolted while waking up . Like every morning . Even if she knew it was just a dream , she still checked her arm for any cut or green shade . She felt a numb pain all over her body and she thought she had a headache .
It was not morning , either midnight . The moonlight seeped through the window , lighting a little part of Phedora's room . She got out of her bed . Phedora walked slowly to her desk and sat on the chair .
"Maybe I should just accept it . I am the demigod of the Ancient Prophecy . I will be the savoir of the Gods . Even If I do not want to fulfill the prophecy ... I need to . I cannot live like this for long . If I will dream that stupid nightmare one more time , I swear I will just not sleep anymore " Phedora mumbled as she pulled a piece of paper out of a drawer "I need to start making a plan , right ? But how ? How do I start ? With what do I start ?" she sighed as she closed her eyes while placing her hand on one of her temples "Maybe I should go to the library tommorow morning and do a little research . I will bring Charis too , I am sure she could feel glad to help . With two people looking for information at the same time , we could find it faster . I will tell her tommorow after breakfast" She leaned back on her chair and looked across the room "Now what I should do ? I of course cannot sleep now"

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