6 : Lightning - Phedora

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         Phedora walked through the battlefield untill she saw Charis retreating with the others from the Resistence .
"Charis !" she ran to her side .
"Did you get the keys ?" Charis asked as they both ran .
"Saddly no . I was caught by a finder" Phedora explained .
"What ?! How did you escape ?" Charis said . Phedora saw her eyes were wide in shock from behind her mask .
"I cannot explain how actually" Phedora said with an awkward smile that she hoped Charis couldn't observe behind her mask .
Charis sighed"You have to tell me everything when we get to the base" she said "But first we have to do the funeral rituals for everyone who died . And just so you know , Zoferos was killed by an apprentice . Our best assassin was killed by an apprentice !"
Phedora blinked a few times in surprise "How did the apprentice look like ?" she asked .
"From what the other people told me , the apprentice was around Zoferos' height , had dark hair and black eyes . Someone even told me they thought he was kind of handsome , but I doubt that " Charis described the finder "Why did you wanted to know that anyways ?"
Alkaios killed Zoferos , Phedora knew "I will explain when we get at the base " she said .

"In the honor of the ones lost in battle , may your souls travel the path to Hades' realm in peace" the High Priest said "Your great deeds will be recognized in the Resistence for decades "
         Everyone left the graveyard slowly , some crying for their dead friends or siblings and some walking in silence .
         Phedora walked next to Charis .
"I will go to your dorm later tonight " Charis whispered to Phedora "I have some work to do.."
Cry for your lost half-siblings you mean ? , Phedora thought .
She gave a reassuring smile to Charis then patted her shoulder "It's alright"

      Phedora stood in her dorm looking through the window . Selene's chariot was high on the dark sky and stars were shinning along the horizon .
       She heard some knocks on the door and walked to open it . Charis stood at the door with puffy eyes . Phedora decided to ignore that .
"Come in !" Phedora said with a smile on her face .
Charis entered the dorm and sat on a bed like everytime . Phedora sat on her desk chair .
"Now tell me everything " Charis said with interest .
"Alright.." Phedora took a moment to list everything that happened "As I was sneaking to the base , a finder saw me and ran after me . Okay , it was an apprentice ...and I believe it was the same one who killed Zoferos , by the description you gave me "
Charis looked a moment at Phedora in shock "Again , how are you still alive ?"
Phedora ignored her comment and continued "In a moment of distraction I tripped over a rock and fell to the ground"
Charis facepalmed "I suggested for them to put a child of Hermes for the sneaking task...not that I think of you incapable of succeding in that task ... it's just that it could have been better if someone with more experience did it "
Phedora chuckled "Believe me , I didn't agree on it either . I could had prefered to battle alongside you and the others"
Charis smiled "Now go ahead and continue the story"
Phedora continued the story "The apprentice wanted to take me to the base for interrogation . He made me swore on the River Styx to not run away ...and I accepted because he was about to kill me " Phedora looked over at Charis who was still staring with a interested look in her eyes "While on the way to the base I remembered your plan .."
"That you said it was dumb , yeah" Charis said almost bursting out laughing .
Phedora rolled her eyes "I asked the apprentice his name , he kept his guard up so I had to tell him the plan . I was about to die anyway , so what could I lose ?"
Charis shrugged "That's a great point"
"I then asked if he knew an Alkaios . Now guess what..." Phedora let a little pause for suspense .
Charis raised an eyebrow gesturing for her to continue .
"The apprentice was Alkaios himself" Phedora said dramatically .
Charis looked in shock at Phedora "So after all .."
"Yes , Alkaios got his mother's revenge by killing Zoferos"
Charis looked at the floor "What a coincidence ..but have you told him who killed his mother ?"
"Yes , but I didn't say his name..." Phedora said slowly as she realised what she had done .
"So he will continue to hunt for his mother's revenge without knowing that he already achieved that ?" Charis said facepalming again .
Phedora cursed under her breath . Charis bursted out laughing . Phedora frowed at her deeply . At the same time a lightning striked outside .
        Both the girls looked at the window in surprise .
"What the-" Charis started then looked at Phedora . Her eyes widened in both fear and awe .

        On top of Phedora's head was a glowing white lightning . It oscillated slowly .
"Ph-Phedora..." Charis said stumbling upon her words .
"What ?" Phedora said raising her eyebrow in question .
"On...on top of your head.." Charis said , still staring at the shinning lightning .
Phedora looked up . Her eyes widened in panick as she saw the white lightning .
"You are a child of Zeus ... the demigod of the Ancient Prophecy.." Charis said with a low voice "You have to be...there are no other children of Zeus here.." she stood up then knelled down in front of Phedora .
Phedora panicked harder "Wait ! Do not be so fast , what if I am not the one the prophecy speaks about ?" she snapped .
Charis looked up at her "You have to be.." she said again still in a low voice "We have to go to the High Priest ... tell him our savior has come after centuries of waiting.."
Phedora knelled down next to her "Please don't rush...I have no idea on how to be a savior .." Phedora said the last word as if it was a curse "Please ...please keep it a secret for some time... a secret only between us"
Charis blinked a few times trying to get away from the shock then nodded "It was stupid to rush like that ... you are right , what if you are not the demigod of the Prophecy and it's just a coincidence ?" she smiled widely .
Phedora smiled too . She had a gut feeling it wasn't just a coincidence .
Maybe if I will just ignore it and live my life like nothing happened ... maybe then I will not have to fulfill the Prophecy , she thought . But something told her that that is not going to be enough . A prophecy cannot be ignored for too long .

        Phedora and Charis got up then sat down again , Charis on the bed and Phedora in her chair .
"So what happened after you told Alkaios everything ?" Charis asked as if nothing happened earlier .
"He somehow let me get away . He told me to get back to the Resistence " Phedora said trying to forget what happened a moment ago .
"Maybe he wanted you to go away to not see him burst out crying like a baby" Charis shrugged .
"That is kind of a heartless thing to say .." Phedora frowed while looking at the window .
"He is a Finder , one of the bad guys . Why are you caring so much about him ?" Charis asked raising an eyebrow .
"I don't know..I guess I just pity him for suffering his mother's death.." Phedora said  still looking at the window .
Charis smirked "Or you fell in love with him.." she said .
Phedora quickly turned her head frowing at Charis . Charis bursed out laughing .
"I am a child of Zeus , that means that I can strike you with a lightning bolt" Phedora said grinning .
"Peaceful , it was just a joke !" Charis said controlling herself from laughing again .
Phedora smiled then they both laughed .

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