4 : Night ascension - Phedora

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"Great job you two ! Who could have known such a powerful relic could be in the possesion of a random citizen ?" the High Priest said as he looked at Aphrodite's Girdle in awe .
"Thank you , Priest" Phedora and Zoferos said at the same time .
The High Priest placed the Girdle at Aphrodite's dight altar . All around the room were the other gods' altars . They formed large circles in the circular room . Phedora and Zoferos walked out of the room .
"You will finnaly get rid of me now , Phed !" Zoferos said as he changed his direction to another corridor than Phedora .
"Don't call me Phed !" Phedora yelled as he walked away .
"I cannot hear you , Phed !" Phedora heard him say as he dissapeared in the far end of the corridor .
She sighed then walked on the opposite corridor to the dorms .

Being the newest in the Resistence , Phedora had a whole dorm only for her . She unbraided her light brown hair and sat at her desk . She pulled from her pocket a folded piece of paper . It was the paper she found back at the woman's house in Alkaios' room . Why did she took it ? She had no idea why . Phedora took a random book from her bookshelf and put the paper in it then placed it back .
She looked through the window . It was almost evening and the sky was pinkish . Helios' chariot was almost at the end of it's path along the sky .
Some knocks on the dorm's door pulled Phedora out of her thoughts .
"It's open" she said .
The door opened and Charis walked in . She is a sixteen year old daughter of Apollo and Phedora's only friend since she got into the Resistence . Her hair is blonde , her eyes are a sky blue and she is surprisingly pale for a child of Apollo . Her dorm is right next door so she could came to visit Phedora from time to time when she was bored . Charis closed the door then sat on one of the beds .
"How did the mission go ?" Charis asked Phedora .
Phedora twisted her chair to face Charis "I succeded ... but I could rather not experience what happened there again .."
Charis raised an eyebrow " What happened ? Did that Zoferos do something stupid ?"
"I guess you could say that "
"What have he done ?" Charis asked .
"Killed a demititan's mortal mother" Phedora flinched at the memory .
"Oh gods... how did you two get out of there alive ?"
"Simple . The demititan wasn't home but at the Finders' tournament" Phedora explained .
"At least that ... but if the demititan wasn't home then how did you know about him ?" Charis asked curious .
"While looking for the relic I searched through all the rooms in the house and I stumbled upon the demititan's room . I found this through some papers on a desk " Phedora grabbed the book from her bookshelf and got the folded piece of paper out . She threw it at Charis . Charis caught it then unfolded the paper and read it .
"Poor Alkaios.." Phedora mumbled .
"Yeah , poor him" Charis said folding the paper again then threw it back at Phedora .
She caught it then put it back in the book then on the bookshelf .
"But he's a demititan anyways , you shouldn't care so much . If he got into the Finders then he will have a new family . Not a very great family but it's still something" Charis shrugged .
"Yes , but he will know it was us who killed his mother .." Phedora said in a low voice .
"How ?"
"Zoferos forgot his dagger at the house . I bet it had the Resistence's symbol on it" Phedora explained.
Charis facepalmed "I bet this Alkaios will want to hunt us down now"
Charis sighed "He won't be any happier when tonight we will attack the Finders base"
Phedora facepalmed "I totally forgot about that !"
Charis stood up and walked to Phedora . She patted her shoulder "It's alright . You have plenty of time untill tonight to prepare . And look at the bright side , maybe you will find Alkaios and tell him that you are sorry your horrible mission partner killed his mother if that will make you feel better "
"Do you hear what are you saying ? He could probably kill anyone that approaches him . And I don't even know how he looks like" Phedora said frowing at Charis .
"I swear it sounded better in my head !" Charis said disappointed .
Phedora chuckled .
"I should probably go back to my dorm . I have some last things to prepare for the attack" Charis said as she walked to the door " See you later !"
"See you!" Phedora said waving .
Charis left and closed the dorm's door .
Phedora stood in silence and looked around her dorm .
I guess I might as well prepare for the attack, she thought as she stood up from the chair .

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