56 : Last Chance - Phedora

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This might be the last chance to sort things out before the final battle . Phedora pulled her hood over her head to cover her face better .
It was already past evening . Selene rode her chariot high into the dark and starry sky , giving a dim light to the sleeping city .
Phedora swiftly slid through the marble streets , afraid to break the lingering silence of the night . She wore dark garments , wanting to melt into the darkness .
Phedora was heading to the Finders' base . She has not been there since she infiltrated inside to get information to start her mission .
Her memory was fuzzy , not remembering all the details of the base . But I just need to find a map that could lead me to the generals' chambers .
She could not enter through the main entrance , as the main hall was probably the most guarded place in the base . No one could enter or get out without being registered on a log , as Phedora learned when she went inside the base for the first time . That means I should search for a back door .
Phedora speeded her pace , meaning to get faster to the base .


While the Resistence's base was surrounded by nature everywhere in its proximity , the courtyard of the Finders' base has always been abandoned by any form of vegetation for a large radius . No grass and no trees . You would expect the land to be dry , but in contrary , it looked awfully normal . It was as if something stopped the plants from growing near the base .
The lack of trees or bushes meant less places to hide for Phedora . I should move fast to not get caught by any of their night duty guards .
She ran to the side of the building rapidly , knowing that the most guards would be at the main entrance which is at the front of the base .
Phedora ran her hand along the tall obsidian wall , trying to find any sign of a secret entrance . But I doubt they have one , since they like to register anything that occurs .
The girl sticked close to the black walls , hoping to blend in with the dark with the help of the night .
The Finders' base was constructed from two separe thin buildings , the first one taller than the other with a level , sticked together . On the inside they were connected by doors in the hallways .
The first bulding had a sharp , pointy dome that had displayed on the front side a wheat , the symbol of Kronos . In the sunlight the symbol shone brightly , taking a beautiful golden color .
But now , at night , the base looked like a shadow ready to spread its darkness upon the city .
Phedora ran faster along the walls , meaning to get faster on all the sides of the building .


The girl stopped to catch her breath . They have no back doors .
As she breathed heavily , Phedora looked around for any patroling guards . I suppose I have no choice... She sighed .
A chill gust of wind started blowing , making Phedora's hood almost fall off her head . She clenched her fists , forcing the wind to swirl around herself quickly .
Soon enough her feet left the ground . She felt her body weighting nothing as she floated higher into the air .
Phedora learned that to manipulate the winds to her will she had to connect with them first . Feel the wind blow under her skin as if it was part of her .
With each given second the demigod ascended higher , meaning to reach the flat top of the second building . It was only then Phedora realised the actual height of the base . Tall enough to see the whole city in the distance . Tall enough that the guards that stood at the main entrance were two little dots .
Phedora landed on the rooftop . The sudden return of her weight shocked her for a moment . Her head was slightly dizzy , the large use of her power tiring her . She waited for a moment then paced around the roof some steps to get used again to the weight .
The girl then looked around the place until she spotted a door on the only existent wall . Phedora smiled to herself . I knew they must have one . She stepped closer to the door and tried the handle . The door opened with a creak . Phedora smiled again . Why would they lock a door that leads this high up anyways ? It's not as if anyone would take the risk to climb up here from the bottom ... besides me , probably . Did that count as climbing though ?

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