18 : Three Artifacts of Wisdom - Charis

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"So a general from the Finders came here this night ?" Charis looked with shock at Phedora "And he did not attack you nor stole anything ?"
      Phedora nodded . Charis put a hand on her chin "Surprising..he did not even death threatened you ?"
      Phedora shook her head "Absolutely nothing . He just wanted to make sure it was me ."
"Weird.. very weird." Charis frowned "Maybe he plans something ?"
     Phedora shrugged "Maybe , but this is not my most important problem at the moment ." she looked at Charis with a serious expression "We have a god to awake ."
     Charis smiled "Have you decided which god ?"
      Phedora put a hand on her chin "It could be more useful to awake one of the Olympians .. but which one ?"
"Zeus ?" Charis suggested .
      Phedora frowned "That could mean we need his lightning bolt . And everyone knows that it is in the Vault . I am not going there ."
      Charis chuckled coldly "No one will go to the Vault ."
"What about Athena ?" Phedora smiled "She could help us make a great battle plan , right ?"
      Charis nodded "So what could be her three most prized possesions ? Her Aegis shield , her spear and..?" she hmm-ed looking at the window .
"Maybe we should do a research on that too ?" Phedora chuckled .
"No ! I know it .. I just have to remember the name ." Charis frowned with frustration "Gorgo...neion ?" Charis rose from the window . She had a wide trumphant smile on her face "Yes , that's it ! The Gorgoneion !"
       Phedora scrached the back of her neck "The what ?"
       Charis facepalmed "The Gorgoneion ! An amulet Athena and Zeus wore for protection . It has the Gorgon head on it , hence it's name ."
       Phedora nodded slowly "I never heard of it but I trust you enough to believe what you say ."
      Charis laughed "Luckly we already have all the three at Athena's altar here ."
"The only issue could be that I have to tell the High Priest everything ." Phedora looked at the floor . She was clearly nervous .
      Charis smirked "Maybe we can get the artifacts without getting the priest's attention ."
      Phedora pulled her head up , looking at her friend with an eyebrow raised in question . Charis continued to smirk "One of my roommates is a son of Hermes , he could help us ."
      Phedora wrinkled her nose "Are you sure we can trust him ? Because we have to tell him too about me . And you know how Hermes' children are ." she sighed .
"He is trustable , I swear . He helped me sneak multiple times ." Charis chuckled at the memory .
"If you say so ." Phedora shrugged , still not seeming to fully believe what Charis said .


       After some minutes , Charis managed to convince Phedora to go with her to find the son of Hermes . They were both walking to the back of the base . 
"He must be around here at this after-noon hour ." Charis walked in front of Phedora , leading the way .
       Muffled talking could be heard coming from the green spot at the back of the base . Two figures stood beside the small bench laughing .
       When they finally got to the green spot , one of the two people waved goodbye to the other then walked away .
       Beside the bench remained a tall boy with olive skin , auburn hair and light brown eyes .
Yes , that is him . Charis smiled .
        The son of Hermes turned his head . He smiled when he saw the two girls approaching "Hey , Char !" he looked behind her at Phedora "What brings you here with your friend ?" he walked to Phedora then held his hand to her "I am Sotirios , but you can call me Sot . You are Phedora , right ? Charis told me about you . Any friend of Charis is mine too ."
"Nice to meet you." Phedora shook hands with him while shoting a scared look to Charis . She smiled , holding in a laugh I forgot to tell her Sot is a massive social butterfly .
      Charis grabbed Sot's shoulder and dragged him back from Phedora "We need your help ."
      Suddenly Sot's warm smile transformed into a mischievous smirk "Where do we sneak this time ?"
      Charis opened her mouth to tell him but Phedora took the lead "The Gods' Altar room . Without catching the High Priest's attention ."
      The smirk on Sot's face dissolved . He raised an eyebrow "Why could you want to sneak there ?" 
      Phedora rubbed the back of her neck with a nervous smile "You see..I ..uh.."
      Charis intervented "Sot , we are about to tell you something important . Promise you will not tell anyone , ok ?"
"It depends on what you are about to tell me ." Sot shrugged .
       Charis frowned at him "Sot.." she clenched her fists .
"Alright alright , I will not tell anyone . I promise ." Sot smirked .
"Great ." Charis smiled .

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