30 : The Messenger - Alk

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Since that day , nothing happened . Everything was just ... calm . Maybe too calm . Alk could not decide if he should be happy and relieved about that or suspicious . He decided to enjoy the peaceful moments instead . He tried to relax for the first time since when he joined the Finders .
But all those moments of peace dissolved when in front of the Finders' base was reported a messenger . They did not want to specify where they came from or even their name . They wore a white tunic and a hood over their head , shadowing their face .
The generals of the Finders take turns in sitting in the Audience Chamber , which is a tiny room right on the first floor of the base where any citizen , messenger or anyone who has a complain about anything could be welcomed in for their problems or reports to be heard by a general . Any important things could be discussed in the next weekly reports meeting .
It was Alk's turn that day . He was sitting at the centered desk as the mysterious messenger entered the room . They did not sit on any of the chairs in the room , stubbornly wanting to stand up the whole time .
"So what is the message you want to deliver and from whom ?" Alk said with a flat tone , while leaning his head into a hand . The other hand laid loosely on the dagger at his belt , in case of anything .
"I come from the Resistence .." the messenger responded with the same kind of flat tone Alk used .
Alk quickly stood up , holding the dagger in his right hand tightly .
He heard the messenger chuckle from under their hood "Don't fight me , I am just here to deliver a message . And anyways , if you even try to throw me in your beloved prison , the Resistence is ready to attack ."
Alk smirked "Lots of self-confidence we have there , don't we ?" he stepped from behind his desk and walked a little closer to the messenger . Alk observed their knuckles sclenching "If you are so sure your tiny army can defeat us , chosen by the Titans themselves , then you are as a fool as your Resistence ."
"If you are so sure your finders can beat us , then how am I still here ?" the messenger said and Alk heard the irritation in their voice .
"Just tell me your fucking message and then get out , I have better things to do rather than this and I'm getting impatient ." Alk said , crossing his arms .
"This week four of ours dissapeared mysteriously . We just wondered if you finders have any clues on that ."
"So you think we kidnapped them , right ?" Alk raised an eyebrow .
The messenger did not responde .
"So that is a yes . You really think we kidnapped them ." Alk sighed .
"What any other explanation could be there ? Four of our people , one being one of our best fighters , dissapeared suddenly . It has to be the work of the Finders !"
Alk clenched his teeth "We did not kidnap any of your stupid people !"
"If you are not giving them back , we will wage war on your base this exact day !" the messenger almost yelled .
"Did you not hear what I just said ? We . Did . Not . Kidnap . Your . PEOPLE !" Alk yelled , his knuckles turning white on his dagger .
Before the messanger could answer , two guards wearing light golden cloaks entered the room in a hurry , their weapons ready "Do you need assistance General Alkaios ?"
"Just escort this commoner out please ." Alk gestured to the messenger .
The messenger did not fight as the guards dragged them out of the room .
Then Alk collapsed on the desk's chair . He sighed heavily .
Four of the Resistence dissapeared this week ? I hope she wasn't one of them , Alk thought . Then he lightly slapped his face , What am I thinking ? There is no time for that now . Then Alk tilted his head back , closing his eyes .
Then he heard the door of the Audience Chamber open . He opened his eyes to see Iro standing in the doorway . She smiled at him and waved "Heard you dragged a messenger out of here . Why is that ?"
"Rather not say ."
"Alright ." Iro sat on one chair that was close to Alk's desk .
"I have a question though ... am I just forgetful or did we capture four of the Resistence's demigods this week ?" Alk asked .
Iro hmmed some seconds before saying "No , no people of the Resistence were caught in any patrol this week . Why are you asking ?"
I knew it ! "I just wanted to be sure I did not forget things ." Alk said .
But they still think we captured their demigods ... and they will most likely take what I did as a sign to attack , if they are actually prepared to fight this exact day, Alk sighed. And that's how my peaceful week goes ...

Alk was walking through the city at night . He was determined to get to the Resistence's base to ask Phedora about the attack the messenger talked about .
He quickly got into the base on a hidden corridor and ran along the dark halls .
Right in front of the door he stopped suddenly . Wait... but if I see her now after what I did last time ... could it not be ... embarrassing ? , Alk thought . His hand hesitated to open the door .
If I stay here much longer I'll get caught though.. , Alk opened the door and stepped inside the room .
To his surprise , Phedora was not in her room .
But where could she be at this hour ?
He remained there for some moments , hopefully waiting , in case Phedora could have just gone for a night walk outside . But she didn't appear .
As he looked around the room , he observed everything looked the exact same like the last time he was there .
Could that mean...? , Alk frowned . Was she really between the four demigods ?

Alk was running through the same dark corridors he used to get into the base . He needed to return to the base as fast as he could .


As he got closer to the Finders' base , Alk observed that in front of it was a crowd of people .
Then he saw them . The white masks . The silver cloaks that had a lightning on them . The Resistence .
Alk ran faster to get there quicker . Desperation ran through him .They actually came to attack us ... and I am late .

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