24 : Almost Unrecognizable - Alk

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Alk's hands were doing better from the last encounter . Pretty bruised but better . He could still hold a weapon but it hurt a bit .
No one in the base dared to ask him what happened with his hands . And even if they did , Alk could have just avoided the question and walked away .
The bad part is that Iro started following him more often to make sure he does not do anything stupid . And maybe she was right on doing that . Not even Alk could control his actions when it came to emotions . Sometimes it annoys him how impulsive he can be when driven by emotion . And that was always a problem of his .
For example , when he was twelve , he cut in half a training dummy out of anger . It was like his sword just melted it through . He felt it hot in his hand and he dropped it . But surprisingly no burnt scar was on his hand .
His mom was so mad about the slashed dummy . She even slapped him across the face saying that he was ungrateful of how much she paid for that .
Hah , look at me now . The same emotion-driven fool I was , Alk thought almost laughing while walking down the obsidian hallways of the base . They were still as dark as the day he first entered it .
It was his day-off but he did not feel like relaxing nor knew what else to do . He decided to walk around the base in hope of finding anything interesting . Hopefully Iro was working so she couldn't follow him around . He was not a little child anyways . He was seventeen , almost an adult . And he was more responsible than most people in the Finders .
An idea appeared in Alk's head and he suddenly stopped from walking .
What if... , he smirked . The other finders around him looked at him with question -probably never saw him smiling or smirking .
He quickly ran to his chamber , making sure not to bump into anyone .


Alk ruffled his black hair . It felt weird after such a long time of having it slicked back .
He put his weapons' belt on the large table and dressed in the most non-general way possible . He put his crimson cloak in his closet .
Alk looked completly different from usual , almost unrecognizable . And that's what he aimed for . He smirked in the mirror then walked out of his room .


Hopefully Alk remembered all the secret passages he went through with Phedora at the Resistence's base . Yes , The Resistence's base . Alk was at the Resistence's base . That was his idea . To sneak into the base again . Why ? To see Phedora .
His plan was to use the secret passages , and if he got caught , no one will recognize him because of how he changed his appearance . Clever , right ?

After some long minutes of wandering through dark corridors , Alk managed to find Phedora's room . He tried the doorknob and the door opened with ease .
Does she not lock her door ? , Alk thought with confusion while entering the room . It looked the same as last time he was here .
She was not inside so Alk decided to sit on her desk chair . He could not deny the fact that he was actually pretty nervous .
You've done it again , Alk ! You impulsively done something without thinking , he facepalmed .
At the same time the door opened . Phedora stepped in , looking at a piece of paper . She raised her eyes from it then when she saw Alk , she jumped and took a dagger from her weapons' belt and pointed it at Alk .
"Who are you ?!" she yelled .
Alk laughed and slicked his hair back to normal "Greetings !"
Phedora lowers her dagger "Alkaios..!"
"Yeah , that's me ." Alk smirked .
"You look.."
"Different ? I disguised myself so I would not get recogninzed ." Alk chuckled "Do I really look that different with my hair not slicked back ?"
"Yes , very much . But why are you here ?" Phedora crossed her arms and leaned back into a wall .
Alk shrugged "It's my day-off and I felt bored ."
"You get day-offs ?" Phedora asked with genuine curiosity .
"Only generals ." Alk smirked again .
"So you are not here to sentence me with death or anything else ?" Phedora asked with precaution .
Alk nodded with a smile .
"Do you have any weapons on you ?" Phedora asked .
"Really ? No . I already told you I will not fight you ." Alk rolled his eyes .
I don't want to hurt you .
"Well great then . I am in no mood to fight to death ." Phedora smiled .
Has anyone told you you have a pretty smile ?
Alk ignored the thought and pointed to the paper in Phedora's hand "What's that ?"
She quickly put it in her pocket "Nothing ." she looked at his hands . She seemed slightly concerned "What's with all those bruises on you hands ?"
Alk hid his hands "Nothing ."
Phedora opened her mouth to protest but Alk spoke before her "Please don't insist . I don't want to talk about it ."
"Okay then ." Phedora put her dagger in her weapons' belt and walked closer to Alk . He felt himself getting a bit nervous .
To his suprise , Phedora took one of his hands "At least let me look at them ."
"Alright ." Alk said but inside he was as nervous as heck .


"Here ." said Phedora after putting bandages on both of Alk's hands .
Alk looked at his hands . They were surprisingly well bandaged "Thank you ..but why did you do this ? I'm your enemy ."
"Are we really still enemies ?" Phedora chuckled .
"Then what are we ?" Alk asked with visible curiosity to know what does Phedora consider him as .
"Well... we are not exactly enemies , not exactly friends and totally not allies , so.. I don't know ."
Alk was kind of dissapointed of her answer but did not let it show "Alright then ."
Then some knocks on the door interrupted them .
"Phed , are you ready ?" a girl's voice said from behind the door "Sot already waits for us outside ."
Phedora looked at Alk eye-wide with shock then turned her head to the door "I just have to take one thing . Wait for me outside !" she said and Alk saw the nervousness on her face .
"Alright !" the voice said then Alk heard the sounds of steps .
Only when they went silent Alk dared to spoke "Who was that ?"
"None of your bussines ." Phedora smiled .
"The blonde ?" Alk guessed .
Phedora did not answer "I have to go now . You should get out of the base too . I guess you know your way out if you managed to get here by yourself , right ?" she finally said .
Alk frowned . He did not want to go yet , but he had nothing else to chose .
Before Alk could reflect better on his actions , he grabbed Phedora by the collar and kissed her . Then he quickly got out of the room and speeded back on the dark corridors .
While getting out , he caught a glimpse of Phedora staring at him with shock . He understood that . Alk did not believe himself that he did that , but he could not deny that he was happy somehow . He smiled as he ran along the passages .


"Well ? Where have you been ?" Iro asked him after he got back into the Finders' base . She waited for him in his room . She had her arms crossed and the look of an angry mother . Alk found it kind of funny . He was still smiling like a fool .
Iro looked with question at him "What's with the smile ?"
Alk collapsed on his bed "Just bear with me ." he said , still smiling .
Iro's serious expression faded away . She chuckled "Alright , Alk . Guess something great happened to make you smile like that ."
Yeah , something great did happen .

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