19 : A step too far - Alk

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"You really did not observe what I've did , didn't you ?" Alk mumbled with a smirk as he led the Finders' army to the Resistence's base . A new bronze dagger stood in his weapons belt . The blade had a lightning on it . The symbol of the Resistence . The dagger Phedora had the night he sneaked into the base . It was enough evidence for the eldest general to believe him .
Alk held the bronze blade in front of him . The bronze shone in the after-noon light as if it was made out of gold . The leather hilt felt strange in his hand . Inappropriate . Because it does not belong to me . He made a scowl then put it back in his belt .
Guess I will have to give it back now , right ? If I will look at it a single more time I will vomit from that memory . The memory of his mother's death replayed in his mind . The bloody dagger . Her room a mess . And the disgusting hole in her stomach .
Alk gulped , trying to get away from the memory . I have better things to worry about at the moment .


The gates in front of the base broke with ease under the army's brute force . The two guards who stood at the doors raised their swords , preparing for an attack . One of them opened their mouth to scream for help but Alk stepped in front of the numerous army , a cold smile on his face "We came here with an offer ." Alk walked closer on the road to the guards . The path was made out from cracked marble pieces sticked together to fit perfectly . He pulled out of his belt Phedora's dagger . The guards stared at it with disbelief . Alk could see others of the Resistence gathering at the windows and archers up in the attack tower , their white masks gleaming in the light . He felt them aiming their bows to his head .
Alk held the bronze dagger in front of the guards "The owner of this dagger surrenders to us or ," he smirked as he turned his head back , gesturing to his army " we will attack . Pretty easy , right ?"
One of the guards frowned at the dagger then at Alk "We do not care who's dagger is that . We have multiple of those in our weaponry . None of us will surrender without a fight !" they looked up at the attack tower then nodded at the archers . Multiple bows sang at the same time as arrows got closer to Alk . He took a few steps back , the arrows gathering in the spot he was standing . He grinned "Finders .. ATTACK !" Alk yelled then pulled his sword out of its sheath . He ran at the guards , dodging another amount of arrows .
The Finders' army busted through the gates , filling the coutryard .


Alk was walking through the Resistence's base , a hand in his jacket's pocket , the other holding his sword . The fight was a great distraction for me to sneak inside unobserved . He smirked . Wonder where is the altar room I have heard about .
He suddenly heard some steps . Louder and louder . Closer and closer . Alk's eyes went wide . I though everyone was outside .. He ran to the direction of the sound , his sword ready .
One of the Resistence was running along the corridor , their white mask standing losely on their head . A dagger stood in their right hand . They suddenly stopped when they saw Alk walking to them . They lifted their mask and Alk recognized a familiar face "Alkaios.." Phedora said with a frown .
"Phedora.." Alk smirked mischievously . He walked closer to her . Her knuckle turned white gripping the dagger "So what do think ? Perhaps have you expected me to do this ?"
Phedora glanced down at his weapons belt , her eyes going wide as she saw the dagger "But that is.."
"Your dagger ?" Alk chuckled coldly "You thought I came all the way here that night just to see you or something ? You know me better than that , Phedora ." he got the dagger out , then -to Phedora's surprise- dropped it on the floor . The dagger made a loud sound in the silence "I just needed evidence to initiate an attack on the Resistence . You can take it back if you want . It brings me back traumatic memories anyways ."
Phedora's gaze softened , now looking with a concerned look in her eyes . Alk's face darkened as he realized he said the last sentence out loud . He looked away from Phedora "J-just.. take it back ." he looked at the floor with embarassment .
To his surprise , Phedora grabbed his shoulder . He felt himself jolt to her touch "You are lucky I am empathetic ." he heard her voice close . Too close . His cheeks because slightly pink . Alk did not want to look her in the eyes . He shrugged her hand off his shoulder . I do not need to show weakness . He gave Phedora one of his coldest frowns " I do not need your empathy ." he tighted the grip on his sword .
Phedora frowned too "Fine then ." she pointed her dagger at him "I guess you will not let me get out and I am pretty sure I will not let you get to the Altar room , as I know you were about to ." she smirked then quickly picked up the dagger Alk dropped minutes ago .
Alk's face got paller "I will not fight you ."
Phedora's smirk dropped "Why ? Don't you want to kill me ?"
"I do.." Alk looked away "..but I cannot ."
Before Phedora could answear , an arrow flew past his head , nearly touching his ear "Get away , general !" a voice yelled at the end of the corridor .
Alk cursed under his breath then ran away in the opposite direction . Luckly no one followed him .

"RETREAT !" Alk heard the army call . He ran at their side dodging some final attacks .
The army ran out of the coutryard and back on the streets of Greece . Citizens started at the retreating army with question and fear . Most when back into their houses to watch from afar .
"So ? Did you find the Altar room ?" Alk heard a voice beside him say . He turned his head to see Iro . Her blonde hair was a mess . She had some still bleeding scars on her face .
"I was about to but got caught . I had no other choice but to ran away as fast as I could ." Alk said .
"It's alright . At least we managed to kill some of their people ." Iro smiled , but Alk observed it did not reach her eyes .

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