43 : Traitor - Alk

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"We are all here to grieve for our general , Chrysostomos , who died heroically while attacking the Resistence . The last person in this room who saw him alive was general Alkaios , so I invite him along to speak some words of one of the best generals we got the blessing to have ." the eldest general spoke into the quiet ritual room . The distant sound of Chrys' pyre burning was the only thing that broke the silence .
     Everyone in the room had they heads down , some -Alk observed- even crying soundlessly .
     Alk stepped closer to the altar the eldest general stood behind of . He was clenching his fists , trying not to have a panic attack .
     After they got to the base , the healers took Chrys' body to the infirmary , but Alk already knew he was  dead , he just did not say it so won't seem suspicious .
     Alk entered his room , his hands trembling as he closed the door behind him . It was only then he realised what he has really done . He collapsed on the floor , in his dark room lightned only by the moonlight at his window . The sheathed sword at his belt clanged as he hit the floor .  I killed him ... I killed a general ... I killed one of ours ... I really am a traitor ... , Alk thought , looking expressionlessly at the walls of his room , hugging his knees tightly , still shaking vigorously .
      Alk has killed countless people before , but this time it felt different . He killed someone for his own intentions , not to serve the Finders . He would just say it was self-defense , but he knew there was no way he would get out of this without getting into the prison if anyone found out about what really happened . It is all my fault .. if I could have just refused him .. or just not enter that stupid room .. but I had to make sure ...
     Alk ran a shaky hand through his hair as he turned his glance to the window . Even if he wanted to get his revenge on his brother by killing me ..  it was not right of me to kill him defenceless .. it just proved how much of an actual traitor I am ... It's all my fault ...
      Alk stood in front of all the finders , next to the eldest general . He cleared his troath , trying to not show the panic he felt "Chrys was a valuable member , succeeding in every mission that came his way , always in good relations with everyone he met . I did not talk with him much , so I was surprised when he asked to help me with the attack , sadly already sealing his fate ." Alk felt the whole room looking at him "I entered the base to make sure of a clear entrance , but I unfortunately took too much time and Chrys  came to see if I got into trouble . At the same time , one of the Resistence was crossing the corridor and saw us , unluckly being a skilled archer . Before I would tell Chrys to run , an arrow already pierced his chest deeply . His last action was to take it out , saying that he would rather not die impailed by a possession of the Resistence ." Alk's eyes slid down to the floor "He shall be remembered forever in our hearts and minds .. May his soul rest in Elysium ."
      Then the whole crowd lowered their heads "Thank you for your kind words , general Alkaios ." the eldest general said and Alk knew it was his sign to leave . He returned between the finders and waited until the funeral ended .


      Alk left the ritual room and decided to quickly go back to his room . He did not want to see anybody else or talk with anyone . To his misfortune , a hand grabbed his shoulder as he walked down the hallway . He recognized the grip imediatly .
"I cannot belive he died.." Iro spoke with an unusualy low voice . Alk turned his head to her and observed that her eyes were puffy . She cried . Her blonde hair was in messy braid , curly strands sticking out from spot to spot .
      Alk patted Iro's shoulder "I am sad too .. but he is in a better place now ."
     Iro looked at him with her warm green eyes "Yes ...but I still cannot believe he had to die like this ! Such a great general dead by the hand of a Resistence archer . We have to avenge him .."
     "I never got to take the army inside the base , so my attack got delayed for some days . Do not worry .. we will avenge Chrys !" Alk said , forcing a confident smile .
      Luckly Iro smiled back "I hope so ."
      Alk felt much more guilty than before .

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